Home Page

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Welcome to the Year 3 page. Please take the time to have a look at what we have been doing so far in Year 3 and also what we will be doing as the year progresses. 


Our Teaching Team consists of Mrs Maloney, Mrs Walmsley, Miss Bates and Mrs Balding.


Important information

  • Year 3 PE day is on a Friday (please ensure kit is in school from Monday-Friday for any special events or changes).
  • Homework will be given out on a Friday and is due back in on the following Thursday.
  • We will be looking at The World in our reading texts and writing a fictional text about a character called Zahra
  • Please visit the Curriculum Section under 'Key Information' to find out more about our learning this year and how you can help at home.

In Literacy in Year 3, we have been writing some Monster poetry.  We have entered these into a national competition and are awaiting our results.

Here is an example of a poem.  Notice how lines 2 and 4 are rhyming. We also had to ensure that correct rhythm was maintained and that line 3 (that did not rhyme) linked to line 4. 

We had some great fun rhyming words and performing them to the class.

We then chose our favourite pet and created our own versions of a similar poem with some great success.

Monster Poem by Ashton

Parent Challenge

In Maths we have been concentrating on finding out about fractions.  We are currently looking at finding equivalent fractions by using our multiplication and division facts.

Can you solve these equivalent fractions?

= ?         ?

6     18       8      24



We are also learning all about apostrophes for possession and contraction.  Look out for apostrophes in the texts around your home.  Can you find examples of both?

Celebration of Learning

For our Year 3 Celebration of Learning we taught our parents about the human skeleton and the different bones.  We labelled a diagram naming 15 bones.  How many bones does a human have?


We looked at different types of food and sorted them into groups. Can you name the 5 main food groups?


We then built a model to show how a human muscle works.


The children had a great time teaching their adults and the adults enjoyed learning with their children.  


Thank you to everyone who came and joined us for a fun afternoon of learning.

The Human Body

Over the last term we have been working on the topic ‘The Human Body’.  We have learnt all about the fuel we put into our bodies and how the different types of food are processed by our bodies and do different things.

We have learnt that there are no ‘bad’ foods.  You just have to eat the right amount of each food.  You can eat all food types (even chocolate).  The key word we have learnt/thought about is MODERATION!


We have also looked at how to look after our bodies when something goes wrong.

We spent a morning look at;



-Nose Bleeds

-How to call for help (including 999)


-Recovery Position

World Book Day Performance Poetry

This year for ‘World Book Day’ we decided to do something a little different.  The children chose a poem that they liked and spent time in school and at home learning the words and putting actions to it.  They worked in groups and performed their poems to each other to practise.


The children worked really hard to ensure their poems were slick, sounded fantastic and looked interesting.


Then all the children performed their poems for Year 4.  The Year 4 children then voted for their favourite poem that they thought was performed with great style, expression and were interesting.

Celebration of Learning

Christmas Enterprise Market


A superb morning was had by all at the Year 3 Market.  The children have learnt so much from this topic and the learning continued this morning through the handling of money and selling the products. Thank you for your patience and support in helping the learning this morning.  We are very proud of how the children conducted themselves and we cannot wait to find out how much profit we have made and what we will be spending it on.

Christmas Showcase


What a stunning way to get into the Christmas spirit.

A great performance by the Year 3 children after a lot of hard work at home and at school learning poems and songs.


Christmas A-Z Challenge


Can you think of a Christmas word (just one word) for each letter of the alphabet?


Write out your words in alphabetical order and hand them in to Mr Simpson.




Christmas Disco


A fantastic time was had by all at the Year 3

Christmas Disco this afternoon. 

Awesome behaviour, lots of fun and smiles all round!

Instructional Challenge


We have been writing instructions in our ‘Enterprise Topic’.  Can you follow these instructions to earn a Terrific Ticket?


Mrs Claus has sent Santa shopping. 


Here is the list that she gave him:


A loaf of bread – 72p

A pint of milk – 38p

A bag of carrots – 49p

A mince pie – 15p

Wrapping paper – 95p

String – 57p

A bottle of water – 61p

Reindeer nose polish – 83p

A pencil – 26p

Some chocolates for Mrs Claus – 84p


Write your list and total cost on a square piece of paper.


Draw (and colour) a Christmas tree in the top right hand corner.


Draw (and colour) another Christmassy item in the bottom left hand corner.


Hand your finished list to Mr Simpson by Monday 18th December.

Year 3 staff and pupils enjoyed a lovely Christmas dinner!

Saving the World - Exit Point


WOW!!!  What an afternoon!  Thank you so much for the fantastic support from all the parents and family of the Year 3 children this afternoon. 


It was superb to see so many of you at school on such a cold afternoon supporting and celebrating your child's learning.  A great time was had by all making the fruit kebabs and judging some of the homework projects the children have made over the last 6 weeks (sorry if your project wasn't on show, but some of them are already on display around school).  


It was also lovely to see the children pointing out the pages from their PhotoStory3 presentations that they have created on the PowerPoint presentation.


Thank you again and we look forward to seeing you all at our Christmas Showcase on Tuesday 12th December and our Enterprise Christmas Market on Tuesday 19th December.

Save the date - Year 3 'Exit Point' Wednesday 29th November 14:15-14:45


We look forward to seeing you!


You and your child will be working together and learning/practising some valuable life skills!

Homework Projects


Some people have been very busy over the holidays and have brought in their homework projects already.  These are great examples of what we are looking for and show you some of the possible ideas that you could produce.


Well done to the six children who have clearly worked really hard on their projects.


Remember your projects are due in on 17th November.

IPC Saving the World - Rainforests


We have been comparing our country to Brazil as this is where 60% of the world's rainforest exists.  We've looked at climate, population, where Brazil is situated and the effect of the Equator on it's weather in comparison to the UK. 


We have also been using our collage skills to create images of the rainforest for our working wall display. 


We have found out the difference between Human and Physical features and we have sorted pictures, justifying our reasons, in a collaborative learning session. 


If you are out and about, see if your child can identify any Physical or Human features and bring us some photographs for our learning wall. 



