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Thank you to all parents/carers who came to support our Year 2s for their Christmas showcase and craft!

We celebrated Christmas Jumper Day!


We compared planes from 1903 when there was the First flight and planes in 2024 and we discussed the similarities and differences between them.



In Science we investigated how to make sound quieter using different materials!


We have been investigating all of the ways to group 10 in equal and unequal groups!

Road Safety! We had a visitor in school today who taught us how to stay safe on the roads.

Being a Writer - We have been writing stories about how a robot lost his robot bottom and arm when playing in a park! We used different types of sentences including questions and exclamations!

Non-Fiction November! We have been celebrating Non-Fiction November by reading lots of Non-fiction books linked to our curriculum learning!

Being a Mathematician - We have been working on our Mental Maths strategies of partitioning to add and subtract!

15.11.24 Year 2 celebrated Children in need today!

Pen Licences & Rockstars on TTRS!

Being a Designer- cutting and material knowledge

Being a Scientist How is sound made?

Anti Bullying Week! Odd socks Day!

Being a Geographer - using a map to find our way using directional language

Science - We went on a materials hunt to see how materials are used in our everyday life!

Being a Geographer

Being a Mathematician 

We have been focussing on our language within maths this week and how to efficiently add three addends together to find a sum. We have looked at partitioning numbers, regrouping numbers and using known facts such as number bonds to 10.

Being a Writer 


We have been looking at contractions and how to use an apostrophe to shorten words in our personalised writing on this is how we do it

Being a Mathematician

In Maths we have been making links to tens, number lines and measures as well as partitioning 2 digit numbers into tens and ones!

Finding tens

Being a Reader & Writer

In Writing we have learnt about two texts. The first text was a story called ‘Splat says Thank you’. During this story we learnt all about conjunctions and speech marks. We identified these features in the story and then used that as a WAGOLL in order to write our own story about how our own adults help us. 

The second text we have started to look at is called ‘This is how we do it’. This is a non-fiction text that gives us lots of information about different children around the world and how they live their daily lives. We worked together to identify the features of the text and spotted the themes of each paragraph which will now help us to write own our version. 

Finding Speech within the text ‘Splat says thank you’.

Identifying themes within paragraphs for our non-fiction text, ‘This is how we do it’,

Personal Development 


During PD sessions we work on learning about ourselves as citizens. Our aim is to become a SUPERB citizen, showing attitudes of being self aware, unique, a problem solver, empathetic, responsible and benevolent. Each week we focus on a different element of being SUPERB. 

During this time we also have visitors into school to help us learn about our wider community.

Today we had a visit from our local policing team. They held an assembly about stranger danger and talked about ‘clever never goes’.

Being a Designer

During our DT sessions we have been learning about how to make different sliders. So far we have created a curved slider and a that moves up and down. We used a guide bridge to secure the rod to ensure it only moves in the direction needed and doesn’t rotate. 

Being a Geographer

In Geography, we have been learning all about the 7 continents around the world. We have been singing the continent song to help us remember the continents in order of size and learn some facts about them.

Being a Historian

During our History lessons, we have been learning all about the first flight. We have identified things that fly and learnt about the first hot air balloon flight. We have then linked this learning to the first motor powered flight and who invented these amazing machines. We have been using chatta within our lessons to help us learnt these important facts and remember significant dates and events in the past.

Religious Education

In RE, we have been learning about the religion of Islam. We have learnt about their holy book and about some of the different names Muslims call their God. We have been learning about how important ‘harmony’ is in the religion of Islam and how this links to the Christian creation story.


