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Christmas week filled with lots of exciting activities!

Christmas Dinner!

This week we practised our cooking skills in the kitchen. We made spaghetti bolognese. Mmmmmm!!

This week in art we have been starting our final pieces inspired by artist Henri Matisse

Long Division, Factors and Multiples

Building tropical islands using 4 and 6 figure grid references (Geography)

Learning all about Parallel Circuits in Science

The Journey through the circulatory system

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The Journey through the circulatory system

Still image for this video

The Journey of the circulatory system

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In Year 6, we have been learning all about the Circulatory System and how our heart plays an important part of pumping oxygen around our body.

In maths we have been making arrays using cubes to help us find factors.

We are being Mathematicians!


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This week in PE we have been practising team tactics in a game of basketball.
