In Maths, we have been using Base Ten to find number bonds to 100.
We have been learning about where Europe is on a map. We researched how many different languages there was in the world and which were the largest countries.
Biology - Naming, identifying and discussing the function of each part of a flowering plant.
In art this term we are looking at the artist L.S. Lowry. How he depicted people in his paintings through colour and physical body language.
Design and Technology
We are designing and using our sewing skills to make a pencil case.
This term we are looking at the Stone Age era. Why it was called the Stone Age the evidence left that shows us where the travelled to.
We have been researching life in the Stone Age, what they ate, what weapons they used to catch their food. We have been trying out how to shoot a bow and arrow as the Stone Age people would have needed to do. We had a great time and realised how difficult this was to do
Religious Education
We are looking at the Christian faith and beliefs. We will be comparing our learning with the Muslim faith we learnt about in year 2.
This term we are learning to play the violin. We have been working on keeping time, rhythm and listening to each other. We can hold our violins in the rest position and pluck open string notes.
Personal Development
We discussed in groups what makes a good friend, then we voted using our thumbs up down and across.