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Reading Challenge/Reading Records

The aim of our reading journey is to ensure children read a wide range of books throughout the school year and, to enable children to keep a record of how many books they have read.  The Year3  reading challenge is linked to reading around the UK!    Each time children have read 10 books, they will receive a puzzle piece, which they will stick in their reading record, and a certificate to take home. Each puzzle piece will build up a picture of the United Kingdom. Children will aim to complete their puzzle by the end of the year. In order to receive a puzzle piece, children will need to read a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry books.

These books will be provided by school and read at school or at home and only these books should be recorded in the reading record.

Click on your class star to see how far we've travelled around England with our reading challenge.

Here is a selection our classes are reading this term
