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Reading Around the Continents and Oceans

Year 1 child’s reading challenge is linked to reading around the World!


The aim of this reading journey is to ensure children read regularly throughout the school year and, to enable children to keep a record of how many times they read. Year One children build fluency and comprehension skills by reading the same book several times.


Each time children have read 10 times at home, they will receive a puzzle piece, which they will stick in their reading record, and a certificate to take home. Each puzzle piece will build a map of the world. Children will aim to complete their puzzle by the end of Year One. In order to receive a puzzle piece they need to have ‘read’ 10 times at home.


Please only record the book provided by school (RWI book bag books) that are read at home as these have been matched to each individual child’s phonic ability (which sounds they have been taught and are able to recognise and blend).
