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Internet safety day

Mental Health Week - We celebrated Mental health week by taking part in activities linked to ‘knowing ourselves and growing ourselves’. We had a visitor into school to talk to us about being self aware and about being proud of ourselves and our unique qualities! We have also been reading some stories by Tom Percival linked to knowing and understanding our emotions! We have shared all our learning about Mental health week in our SUPERB citizen class books during our PD lessons this week!

Experimenting in art with different tools

In Science today we took part in an investigation to decide which material would be most suitable for a coat. We tested for a material being comfortable and waterproof!

In DT today we tasted plain couscous and measured out an amount. We shared what ingredients could be out into a couscous recipe and we labelled different ingredients.

Year 2 Reading for Pleasure Workshop! 

We had a brilliant afternoon on Wednesday where lots of parents and carers were able to come into school and learn about our Reading for Pleasure approach. They had lots of fun taking part in reading activities involving comprehension, accuracy, fluency and expanding knowledge of texts! 
We would like to say thank you to everyone who was able to come to support their children with reading! 

In Maths we were exploring the 5x and 10x tables and identifying patterns!

Being an Artist- Exploring tone and contrasting colours

Being a scientist Biology - Healthy and unhealthy plants

Parliament Day 


Year 2 had a fantastic day today celebrating Parliament day. We learnt about what Parliament was and who was in the Houses of Parliament. We learnt all about the House of Commons and we event spend some time debating in our very own transformed Houses of Commons debating which school trip would be the most beneficial to us and our learning. We discussed laws in the classroom and we decided on laws we think we should have for one of favourite activities of riding a bike! We were also able to hear from Year 6’s manifestos for what they think would make the perfect dream school and we were able to cast our very own vote! We really enjoyed this! 
We’ve had a great day learning about our government! 



We are learning the story of The Dragon Machine! We have learnt the story using a story map and we have been exploring the different vocabulary within the text for us to use within our very own reinvented story. 




We have been learning about microhabitats and what creatures live in them. We went on a hunt to find mini beasts in microhabitats around school. 



In Maths we have been focusing on multiplication. We have been learning about grouping objects, counting the groups as well as the values inside. We have been building multiplication sentences and understanding that two factors make a product.
