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Year 1 have learnt about the story of Grim the Viking and how Grimsby got its name … or so the story goes. 
The children had fun re-enacting the story and then marching through school with their Grim Band! 

Internet Safety Week 2025

Mental Health Week 2025 - Know Yourself Grow Yourself. Year 1 talked about what they were good at, what groups they belong to out of school then discussed what they would like to learn, develop or improve in order to ‘grow themselves’. It was lovely to hear them chatting about what they were good at and what they would love to learn. The children then made themselves into a flower and the roots are ‘sucking up’ the things that will make THEM grow x

Year 1 have had great fun investigating 2D and 3D shapes this week.

Being a Scientist - Understanding plants grow

Parliament Day - what a fantastic day we had today. We started the day with an assembly about Parliament, we had a debate about whether children under 12 should get FREE sweets, listened to Year 6 manifestos, visited the polling station to vote and made a replica Elizabeth Tower (aka Big Ben). The children thoroughly enjoyed their learning today. Lots of chatter, discussions, debates and fact finding 😊

Being a Scientist 🧑‍🔬 we have been learning about the structure of a plant and its functions 🌱 watch our videos below to find out what jobs the parts of the plants do 🪴

Functions of a plant 🪴 1AR

Still image for this video

Reading for pleasure x Year 1 enjoyed having a treasure hunt in the library. They chose items from our toy box and then went on a treasure hunt to find a book with that character in it. The children chose a range of fiction and non fiction books. We then enjoyed sharing the books together.

Reading for pleasure - Click the link below to listen to our 'made up class story' called The Sad Baby

Welcome back! We have loved hearing all about your family time over the Christmas break.

We can't wait to show you what we have been learning over the Spring term... watch this space.
