A big hello and warm welcome from the Year 3 team!
We look forward to sharing all of our wonderful learning with you all.
3CW - Mrs Wheatley
3AA - Mrs Airey
3BB - Miss Blake
Click on the star to see who has been chosen to be Star Of The Week.
Click on the icons below to find out about what we are learning about this year.
3BB - Tuesday and Thursday
3AA and 3CW - Wednesday and Thursday
Spellings will go home every Friday.
Kirfs (KEY INSTANT RECALL FACTS - maths) will be sent home fortnightly.
Times Tables can be practised on 'Times Tables Rock Stars' TTRS - the login for this website/app is in your childs home/school book.
Daily Items
Home-school books, reading books and reading records should be brought into school every day. It is also encouraged that your child brings their own bottle of water each day as well as a waterproof coat due to the changing weather.
We recommend that all children bring a water bottle in to school daily. This must contain fresh water only. For hygiene reasons, they must be taken home, washed and refilled daily. They must be clearly labelled. Children can refill them during the school day too. Anything other than water will not be allowed to be consumed by your child during the school day unless you can provide written medical evidence from your GP explaining why this cannot be so. On receiving this you will then need to fill in a Medical Health Care plan. See section 4. • If your child has a packed lunch a second drink should be included. However, no fizzy drinks are allowed to be brought into school. Children having school lunches will be provided with water.
KIRF Homework is given out fortnightly
We had a visit from the Fire Brigade road safety officer. We learnt how to keep ourselves safe when we are outside such as wearing a helmet when we are riding a bike, making sure our seatbelt is done up when riding in a vehicle.
Children in need
Odd Socks Day