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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding at Old Clee Primary Academy


What is the Pupil Premium ? 


The government has allocated schools and academies additional monies based on the number of pupils in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) either now or previously in the last 6 years.  Pupils in receipt of this funding are referred to as 'disadvantaged' pupils by the Government.


Schools and Academies should decide how to best spend this money to support pupils' attainment and achievement.


The following reports detail how the Academy intends to spend the money in 2023-25, however, we intend to be flexible to meet pupils' needs and will allocate resources and adapt our planned expenditure where necessary. It also documents how the Academy plans to spend the Recovery Premium given to the Academy in the 2023-24 year by the DfE to support the catch up of disadvantaged pupils after Covid.
