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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!


3RS - Miss Shields

3LC - Mr Clancy

3AA - Mrs Airey

A big hello and warm welcome from the Year 3 team! We look forward to sharing all of our wonderful learning with you all!  


Daily Routines


Please ensure that your child brings their yellow home/school contact book to school every day. This book is used to communicate messages between school and home. Please also use this to communicate any changes in your child's home time arrangements. Your child will also record their weekly test scores within this book.

Please can you also ensure that your child brings their reading record, ZPD reading book and their library book to school each day.



Please come to school in the appropriate PE kit every Thursday unless told otherwise. Please check the uniform policy for the full list of appropriate kit. Earrings must be removed on PE days unless pupils are able to remove them themselves. 




Your child will be tested on a Friday (weekly) on both their spellings and personal times tables. 

Your child will also be asked to learn and practise their KIRFS (Key instant recall facts). These will be tested every 2 weeks. Cycle 1 will be the first KIRFS tested, moving through to cycle 3 and then 5 every two weeks.


Reading Challenge 

We have introduced new reading records to children in years 1-6. The children have been set a challenge to read a hundred books before the end of the school year. These books will be books provided by school and read at school or at home. 


Please watch the following links for a full explanation of how our reading records work.


The aim 


What to record


Important information

Year 3 Autumn Curriculum Newsletter 2022

Year 3 Summer Curriculum Newsletter 2023

Year 3 Lunchtime Ambassadors!


Our Year 3 Ambassadors this term are:


Ruby V

Junior D



Leonor A

Thomas R


Remember these children can help you on the playground! 

We have others in Year 3 who have finally received their 100 books! Well done!

We have spent our SUPERB tokens in the vending machine to get our prize this week!

Year 3 Sports Day!! 

We had a fantastic time working as a team and taking part in lots of different sports! Well done Year 3! 
Big shout out to the winning team 3RS for getting the most points as a team! Well done everyone! 

We spent our SUPERB tokens today and got some amazing prizes!

Being a Designer 

Over the last few weeks we have been creating 3D sculptures of animals in the style of Rosa Bonheur. We have now added layers of paint to create the effect of fur and texture.

Year 3 celebrating and King’s Coronation! 

Today we took part in many exciting activities to celebrate the Coronation of the King. Firstly, we enjoyed creating our very own amazing crowns, decorating them in beautiful jewels! Then we enjoyed some delicious jelly and ice cream. Finally we enjoyed an amazing whole school conga line moving through the school and ending up on the playground where we sang the National Anthem and had a fun party with lots of dancing! 

Celebrating the King’s Coronation

This week we had a wonderful visit from the Ice Cream trucks! We ate some delicious ice cream and celebrated how fantastic we are with our learning!

Being a Writer

This term we are focusing on different styles of texts once again. We are looking at 'Leon and the Place Between', 'Meerkat Mail' and 'Carry me away'. These range from fiction, non-fiction to poetry so the children will be immersed in a range of styles and vocabulary.

Being a SUPERB Citizen

As SUPERB citizens we have been learning how to keep ourselves safe when using a computer. We have learnt who we should ring in an emergency and how we stop, drop and roll in we were on fire. 

Being an Artist 

Today in Art we looked at how we could make the 3D shape of an animal in the style of Rosa Bonheur, our focus artist. We will be creating a sculpture of an animal as our end piece so we are gradually developing our skills of 3D sculpturing before this.

In art we have looked at layering and the different styles of fur animals have. We then applied what we had learnt using paints and recreating the different styles of animal fur so we can apply this in our sculpture.

In Science we have been researching which materials are transparent, translucent and opaque.

Being a Scientist

This term we have been researching the pollination process in a plant and the life cycle of plants. 

This week we have been researching how the remains and impression of prehistoric animals, plants and how fossils represent them.

Being a Geographer

Today we went on a walk around our local area and collected data. We created a tally chart of the human and physical features. Here are our results...

Well done to all of the 100% attendance winners! They can’t wait for their movie prize!

PD DAY ~ Learning about different Careers

We have had a fantastic day learning about different jobs in our local area. This morning we heard from road safety and how they keep our roads safe; an author where we enjoyed extracts from his exciting book; the mayor of Louth and about all of his important roles as well as ABP who were able to talk about all of the different career paths in their company. This afternoon we have heard from an ambulance team, a traffic and transport officer and an electrician. The children have also researched ways in which you can start different careers. It has been a very successful day! 

Well done to these children who have achieved their SUPERB prize from the vending machine!

How wonderful year 3 look dressed up for Red Nose Day!

Year 3 Trip to Normanby Hall

Year 3 had the pleasure of visiting Normanby Hall today. We took part in different workshops that covered lots of areas of our national curriculum. 

Workshop 1 was all about ‘Science in the garden’. We observed lots of plants in different environments and discussed how they suited different weather types. We planted our own seeds and also learnt about seed dispersal and parts of a plant! 

Workshop 2 was all about ‘Stone Age and Early cultures’. We learnt all about what Stone Age people used to hunt and how they created their own tools and weapons. We used different plant materials to create our own Stone Age arrow. We also went deep into the woodland and learnt how to make Stone Age shelters using large sticks and natural resources. 

We had lots of fun! 

World Book Day - Buddy swap! 


WOW year 3 looking fantastic in their World Book day costumes

Pancake Day Races! 

We had lots of fun at lunchtime taking part in pancake races and other games involving pancakes! 


Today was number day! We took part in lots of exciting number related activities and problem solving!

This week we have been learning how to divide using the bus stop method

Being a Writer

During this term we have focused on lots of different types of books. As a class we have read 'Grimm's Fairytales' and written our very own ending to the story of Tom Thumb! We have also read a poetry book called 'Poetry pie' where we have written different types of poems. We wrote a class poem inspired by the poem 'Jellyfish Pie' and we then wrote our very own Clerihews. We had lots of fun using rhyming words! We have also been reading a book called ‘The Paperbag Prince’ that has stimulated our discussions on how to take care of our planet/environment. 

Being a Computer Technician 

During our computing lesson we discussed how we could be safe online. During Safer Internet Day we created posters to share what we would do if we were in charge of the internet for the day! Lots of us agreed that we would make it as safe as we could!

Being an Artist

We have been using digital media to create artwork in the style of Kandinski

We are learning about how colour shows mood and we created a colour wheel showing one side as a happy mood and one side as a bad mood. We also practised mixing colours!

We also looked at how colour can represent how we feel

Being a Designer

We have moved onto learning about mechanisms! We learnt about pneumatics and hydraulics and identified these in our every day lives!

Year three designed a dragon and used a hydraulic system to make the dragon breathe fire

Being a Scientist

Today we were investigating rocks and their properties!

In Science we have been learning about plants and how they survive! We have grown our own plants in different conditions and written our findings! We also investigated magnets and the force of magnetism! We tested different magnets and identified their poles.

Being a Historian

In History we have been learning about the Stone Age, Iron Age and the Romans! We have been using dates to put events in chronological order as well as researching what different emperors brought to Britain!

Being a Geographer! 

We have been learning all about Mountains! We learnt lots of vocabulary and we used maps to identify mountains on a map!

Well done to the year 3 children who achieved their superb rewards from the vending machine!

Well done hot chocolate with Miss Richardson

Well done to these children who have achieved their pen licence!

Year 3 Christmas Showcase and Snowman Craft 

Year 3 had a wonderful time this afternoon performing their Christmas showcase today and making their Snowman craft! We want to thank all adults who came to support their children! It was a lovely day for all! 🎄

Archeologist Visitors - The Romans!


Today we were visited by an archaeologist from Heritage Lincolnshire. She spoke with us about the Romans. We looked at how the Lincolnshire settlement had changed since the Romans invaded, different roman towns and we discussed different foods that the Romans brought to Britain.

We took part in quizzes and we were also able to look at different Roman artefacts. This was where we were able to be archaeologists ourselves and complete an artefact observation form to explain what we had found! We had lots of fun! 

Year three showing their support for Children in Need. Well done you all look fantastic

Year 3 kicked off Anti bullying week with an Odd Socks Day! We were celebrating everyone’s differences which were represented by our odd socks!

Year 3 holding a minute silence for Armistice day

Well done Jaxon and Jacob getting their first jigsaw piece for ten reads

Well done to Paisley! Who has earned two stars for her fantastic attitude to learning and being a SUPERB citizen.

Harvest Festival 2022

WOW AWARDS! We have achieved our September walk to school badges!

E-safety visitor!

We had a wonderful visitor in school today teaching us all about how to stay safe online. We learnt about being online using computers, tablets and phones and how to keep ourselves safe. 

Being a Reader and a Writer 

BEING A POET - Poetry writing - 'The River' by Marc Martin

Over the next few weeks, Year 3 will be learning about Poetry in our writing lessons!


The poem that we are focusing on is called 'The River' by Marc Martin. It is a free verse poem focusing on a journey through many different landscapes! We will be focusing on our use of nouns, verbs, prepositions and adverbs to write our very own fantastic poem!

At the beginning of this half term, we have learnt all about a story called The Beasties. We have worked together to learn a part of the story using a text map. We then worked together to learn features of the story so that we can write our very own! This included understanding the structure of the story!

Being a Mathematician 

In Year 3 we have been learning about addition! We are learning to add two 3 digit numbers focusing on hundreds, tens and ones.

Being a Historian

In History we are learning about The Stone Age! We have looked at primary and secondary sources to ind out information!

Being a Geographer  

In Geography, we used the globe and Google maps to help us locate and describe Europe. We used our previous knowledge of the continents, oceans and the equator to label the map and then learnt all about the Northern and Southern Hemisphere to be able to describe the location of Europe.

Being a Scientist 

This week in Science we were looking at magnetism! We were learning about what magnetism was and that it is a non-contact force!

This week year 3 are being scientists researching and using scientific language. We looked at the parts of a flower, the stamen, carpel, sepal and petal and their function within the flower.

Being a Designer

We have been practising different stitches in preparation for making our final product of a fabric pencil case! We have practised both a running stitch and a back stitch so far!

Being an Artist 

Year 3 are learning about an artist called Lowry in Art. We looked closely at his drawings and observed some of the features within them, linking to his style.

 Being a Linguist

In Year 3 we learn French with Mrs Harker! We have been learning classroom instructions!

Being a Musician 

In Year 3 we have been learning different notes and how to play them on a glockenspiel!
