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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!


Our Teaching Team

6JH - Miss Ridgeway

6CJ - Mrs Jenkins

6EB - Miss Baxter

6TF - Mrs Formby

Science Boffins!



Daily Items

Home-school books, reading books and reading records should be brought into school every day. It is also encouraged that your child brings their own bottle of water each day as well as a waterproof coat due to the changing weather.


PE Kit

Year 6 will have PE on a Tuesday. Pupils are asked to come to school in PE kit with no logos. Please remember to remove any jewellery.    



Each week, children will have spellings, times tables and key instant recall maths facts which they must learn off by heart. These will be set on a Friday and assessed the following Friday. 


Multiplication tables is an on-going part of homework and will have a different focus each week. This is extremely important to Year 6 as knowing times tables facts will help with many aspects of maths and SATs preparation. ALL children are expected to access TT Rockstars at least once a week.


Please see the newsletter, spellings and KIRFs below for details about what we will be learning over the term.

Spring 1 Spellings

Spring KIRFs
