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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

The Year 5 Teaching Team consists of Mrs Maloney,

Mrs Wheatley, Mr Lofts and Miss Hutson. 


On our page you will find key information for our year group and see all of the exciting learning which is taking place in Year 5. 


Please remember that our homework is due in on a Thursday, and new homework will come home on a Friday.


Our PE days will always be a Thursday or Friday - please make sure your kit is brought in on a Monday morning and kept in school all week in case this changes.

Spellings year 5 Spring 2

RE Day

We have recently completed an RE day in Year 5. We had an awesome day completing five different tasks linked to our key theme: What inspires people to follow a faith? We looked at commitments made by different people, coming of age, sacrifices and marriage. It was great learning all about Ramadan and the sacrifices made during this time. We also found it really interesting looking and learning about traditional Hindu weddings.


Science Day - Don't Tip the Ship - Can the same amount of weight be carried by boats of two different sizes?

Bikeability Training

Year 5 have been really busy around the playground and on the roads practicing their biking skills. It was great to see so many children persevering and become more confident when completing maneuvers out on the roads. Safe riding for the future!

Sport Relief

We had great fun completing our mile around the playground for Sport Relief. Some of us even chose to complete an extra mile at break and lunch in our own time! Thank you to everyone who donated and came in sports kit for the day to show their support.

Being a Scientist

In our Science lessons, we have been learning about how fossils help us to understand evolution. Focusing on horses, we found out about what scientists have discovered about the evolution of the species over many millions of years by studying fossils. We used a range of sources (images of fossils, texts and diagrams) to learn about how and why horses have changed before presenting our findings in the form of an explanation text. We were all very surprised and interested to discover that horses used to have toes instead of hooves!

Being a Mathematician

In 5JM, we have been demonstrating our knowledge and understanding of subtracting mixed numbers by explaining each of the stages involved in the process. We tried hard to make our explanations clear and to use the correct mathematical vocabulary.


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Still image for this video

Being a Geographer

In Year 5, we have been putting our research and note-taking skills to good use whilst learning all about the Great Barrier Reef. We used a variety of sources including video, text and images to answer key questions and discover a range of facts about the world's single largest living organism. Once all of the information had been collated, we began to present our findings in the form of a leaflet using sub-headings to organise our work. We particularly enjoyed learning about the diverse wildlife which lives on and around the reef and were surprised to learn that at 2,300km long, it is so large, it can even be seen from space!

Being a Scientist!

Separating Materials

This week in science, we have been looking at different methods to separate materials. We predicted how we thought we should separate three separate mixtures, and then we tested our hypotheses. The sand and water really didn't need to go through a sieve, but that is what most of us predicted. We now know about filtration and how to use filter paper.

DT - Sewing

As part of our textiles project, we learnt how to cut materials accurately and sew with a running stitch. We all produced a star or a Christmas tree decoration, which we had to sew jewels on to neatly. After this, we had to attach our decoration to the background using our stitching skills. It was incredibly tricky but a lot of fun! 

Christmas Jumper Day

Christmas Showcase

Being a Historian

We have spent some time looking at The Tudors this term, in particular Henry VIII. During our lessons, we have worked collaboratively on our tables to find the key events of Henry VIII's life and put them into a time line making sure they were in chronological order.

Being a Scientist in Year 5

In year 5, we have been sorting and comparing everyday materials.  We learned that, not only can we sort materials by type but also by magnetic / non-magnetic, conductivity, hardness and solubility. 


We completed an experiment to sort things by their magnetic properties. We made predictions and then tested to find our results.  We then proved that magentism is a non-contact force.


Poetry Workshop - We had a fabulous day creating our poems after our workshop with Ian Bland. Everyone performed their poems in class, and we voted for our favourite to perform in assembly.

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Still image for this video


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Autumn 2 Spellings

Times Tables Rock Stars - Autumn 2 Schedule

Times Tables Rock Stars

Don't forget to access Rocks Stars at home and if you play the 'Garage' game, you will be using the times tables you need to learn in school for this week.

Maths - Key Instant Recall Facts

Lab Rascals - Lego, Wind Energy Workshop

Lab Rascals - Lego Wind Energy Workshop.


Over the past week, Year 5 have been fortunate to have Lab Rascals visit the school.  

Our challenge was to make a wind turbine (out of Lego) that could power a car.  First we had to construct our wind turbine (following the instructions carefully) and investigating which way the paddles worked best.  We experimented with the number of paddles and the effect on the joules that were measured.  We changed further variables, such as how the strength of the wind affected the energy that was generated.  We then used the  energy we had created to power a Lego car that we made. 

What a fabulous time we had, learning a great deal in the process and collaborating with our team mates to produce the required results.  


Thank you Lab Rascals!

We had a fun-filled day completing activities linked to Roald Dahl. Each class experienced working with a different teacher from the year group to look at a range of Roald Dahl books and characters. Mr Lofts chose to look at Roald Dahl's life, Miss Hutson's activities were all linked to The BFG and considering hopes and dreams, Mrs Wheatley focused on Matilda and Mrs Harker explored James and the Giant Peach. It was great to see so many children dressing as their favourite Roald Dahl characters and embracing the day... We are already looking forward to World Book Day!