We're a Knockout!
Due to PGL being cancelled earlier in the year, our Year 6 children had a great time on the field on Friday to make up for this! We had inflatables, a foam pit, obstacle courses and team challenges to complete over the day. The children were in 8 teams competing for the title and a medal! We had a lovely picnic out on the field at lunchtime and everyone enjoyed getting involved in the activities! Congratulations to our winning team..... The Toxic Toes!
Hot Chocolate, Biscuits and Games with Miss Richardson
Miss Richardson had some very important visitors on Friday 15th July. After saving three 'SUPERB' behaviour tokens, the children chose to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate and play games with Miss Richardson in her office as a treat. It was a special afternoon and one the children thoroughly enjoyed.
Team Fire win 1st Inter house competition!
The summer term has seen the introduction of our new Key Stage 2 lunchtime Inter House Competitions.
Each child has been assigned to a house team which names were decided by our school councillors. Fire, Water, Earth and Air.
Kwik Cricket was our 1st half term competition and it was amazing to see so many children participating for their house team and having lots of fun!
Over 200 of you took to the field to try and win some valuable points and played some brilliant cricket, well done!
After 6 weeks of fixtures the winner of our 1st competition and lifting the trophy is.......team FIRE!
Well done to everyone that took part and good luck for our next competition which is football.
Sports Day is a day within the school year where we are able to come together as a community. Every year, new stars emerge and remind us of what hard work and dedication can be achieved. Athletes, supporters and staff all play their part in what is one of the highlights of the school calendar. Unfortunately over the past 2 years, due to the recent pandemic, our Sports Days haven't been able to run. Therefore this year, it was amazing to be able to conduct these in our usual manner, with a crowd of parents/carers cheering the children on. We would therefore like to thank you for all of the support shown.
The children had all been practising their races during the weeks leading up to Sports Day and were excited when their day finally arrived. We had a variety of races for all the children to enjoy; sprinting, standing jumping, egg & spoon race, as well as an obstacle course and a personal challenge to improve fitness, to name a few. All of the children showed many elements of our Superb Citizen, particularly showing great sportsmanship.
One of the greatest highlights for the children across all events was to see so many of our parents/carers take part in our parents running race. It was a great way to finish a great event.
Design a Stamp Competition Winners
As part of our Jubilee Celebrations, all children took part in a competition to Design a Stamp to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. The children were asked to use their previous knowledge regarding the Queen and the Royal family and any new learning discovered through being a historian. The stamp could feature any aspect of the Queen's 70 year reign but it had to be eye catching and colourful. Everyone really enjoyed taking part and the quality of work produced was fantastic. We certainly have lots of budding artists across the Academy so it really was a difficult decision when choosing the winners. We have attached pictures of the winning entries from each year group who all received an art set as their prize. Well done to everyone who took part!
Year 6 Dynamo Cricket
On Tuesday the 24th May, a team of 10 year 6 children took to the field in this years N.E Lincs Mixed Cricket competition.
The games were played following the new Dynamos Cricket format which ensures all students get the chance to bat, bowl and field in each position.
We played 5 games, winning 2 and loosing 3, one of them by just 1 run!! However the progression from game 1 to game 5 was outstanding with some brilliant batting and fielding on display.The team represented the academy brilliantly and certainly had a great day!
Well done team.
Year 4 Quad Kids Athletics
On Thursday the 19th of May, we had 2 teams compete at this years Quad kids Athletics Competition.
'Quad Kids' is a team event comprising of 4 girls and 4 boys with each athlete competing in 4 events. 50 m Sprint, 300 m run, standing long jump and Vortex throw (Similar to Javelin). Their points from each event were calculated to provide an overall team score.
It was a brilliant day with 28 teams competing and our athletes performed amazingly! The courage and determination from every pupil in each event was amazing to see!
Both of the teams finished in the top half of the league table, with our A team finishing in 6th position. What a great achievement for their first Quad kids event, we are very proud of you all!
Jubilee Celebrations - May 2022
On Thursday 26th May, we celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a whole school street party which was held in the KS2 playground. The children had a great time partying away where they enjoyed an afternoon tea served to them by all staff members, sang the national anthem as well as partaking in lots of party games to celebrate in style. The children came dressed for the occasion in colours of the Union Jack and it was fantastic to see so many amazing outfits - a huge shout out to the creativity of our parents!
Alongside our street party, the children also took part in a range of activities throughout the week including understanding why we were celebrating the Platinum Jubilee as well as the historical timeline of the Queen and the main events in her life, made decorations in preparation for our street party and also took part in our design a stamp and regal poetry competitions.
All in all, the children and staff had a truly magnificent time celebrating the Queen’s 70-year reign despite the truly British downpour!
Maths Day - Friday 13th May
Today, we celebrated Maths Day by starting the day off with an exciting Maths Scavenger Hunt. The children worked in teams and used their skills as mathematicians to answer a range of problem-solving questions! The children had a great time and enjoyed winning their prize from the treasure chest! The theme this year was maths across the curriculum. Just a few examples include, Year 5 looked at the Fibonacci sequence in Art, Year 3 investigated the number systems across History and Reception completed maths activities linked to their class book, Jack and the Beanstalk. Please head over to the year group tabs to see more examples, information and pictures of the day.
🌟 Our Science Week poster winners 🌟
A big thank you to all of the children who entered our Growth poster competition. It was a difficult job to choose the winners! Well done to the following children on their fantastic posters. They chose a science set as a special prize! Their posters have also been entered into the National Science Week competition.
Girl's Ramsdens Cup football!
On Wednesday 27th May our year 6 girls took to the field in this year's Ramsdens Cup.
The girls played 4 games, drew 3 and lost just one game which saw us finish 3rd Place!
They battled hard all evening, showed real determination and commitment and were a credit to the school!
Well done girls, we are very proud of you!
Goodbye Mrs Roberts
On 5th April 2022, it was time to say goodbye to Mrs Roberts who is retiring from education.
Whilst it was sad to say goodbye, Mrs Roberts' last day was filled with lots of fun and laughter, and it was all a surprise.
It started with a surprise assembly where the whole school and whole staff had sneaked into the hall, where they waited for Mrs Roberts. Each year group made something very special for Mrs Roberts and this was presented to her by the children - they were handmade special gifts that she can treasure forever. One of the gifts was a very special photograph of the whole school with year groups making up each letter of OLD CLEE. This was secretly arranged a few weeks before. Some year groups sang and some videoed themselves reciting a poem they had made up about Mrs Roberts. The staff also presented some very special gifts to Mrs Roberts too.
Whilst Mrs Roberts thought the festivities had finished, we also surprised her with ‘flashmob’ dance to Pharrell Williams – ‘Happy’. This was great fun and the whole school danced away.
Mrs Roberts got so many lovely cards, gifts and flowers on her last day it was incredible and very moving. It was a wonderful and fitting way to remember Mrs Roberts and everything she has accomplished at Old Clee since 2016, as Head Teacher.
We wish Mrs Roberts lots of luck in the future.
On Tuesday 29th March, a team of eight year 6 pupils represented the Academy at this years N.E lincs Dodgeball competition.
This was an extremely competitive event with 11 schools competing to be crowned champions. Amazingly, we made the podium and finished a very respectable 3rd place!
Old Clee won their group fixtures without loosing a game and qualified for the finals, only to be beaten by Wybers and Littlecoates who were eventually crowed Champions.
Well done to everyone involved, you represented the school brilliantly and should be very proud of your 3rd place finish!
This week it is National Poetry Day.
The children across the academy have enjoyed learning, writing and performing different types of poetry.
Here are some fabulous examples x
RNH - Chop Chop
Year 2's Riddles
Year 2 trip to the Fishing Heritage Centre.
See our Year 2 page for more pictures!
Spring term Sporting Success!
On Thursday 17th March, nine children from Year 6 represented the school at this years North East Lincolnshire Key stage 2 Boccia Competition.
Boccia is an all-inclusive event similar to bowls.
We had 3 teams of 3 competing and incredibly we finished 1st , 2nd and 3rd !
Not only did they try their best and perform incredibly well, but they represented the academy brilliantly with one of our students winning a special recognition award for his SUPERB qualities of kindness ,compassion and helpfulness.
Well done to everyone, we are so proud of you all!
British Science week
British Science Week is a celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths that took place between 11th -20th March 2022. The theme this year was ‘Growth’. We kick started the week with a visit from Science Boffin Harry! He showed us lots of exciting experiments such as elephant's toothpaste and a balloon kebab!
The children in each year group have been investigating the theme of growth in lots of different ways. The children had lots of fun being scientists and there was a real buzz around school! Have a look at our photos below to see what we been up to!
Our Early Years children explored big bubbles, made a cress head and did a gummy bear investigation.
Year 3 and 4
How will we cross the river? Children designed paper bridges.
How will people keep fit? The children worked together to design a River Leisure Zone.
Year 5 and 6
What happens when there is no space left? The children designed and made tall structures.
How will supplies be transported? The children designed and made paper aeroplanes. They evaluated which designs were ther most aero-dynamic.
World Book Day 2022
What a truly fantastic day we all had on Thursday 3rd March in celebration of World Book Day. It was fantastic to see so many amazing characters from the children’s (and adults) favourite books - a big thank you to all of our parents! The children participated in lots of reading and story activities throughout the day and also took part in the ‘Decorate your classroom door’ competition across the school. A huge well done to FS2 for their incredible door creation representing the story 'Room on the Broom' and 3RS who were the overall winners for KS2 with their take on 'The Dragon Machine'.
As part of the celebrations, our school councillors also had the opportunity to visit Waterstones in Freshney Place to exchange the book tokens for each of our pupils. They were extremely excited and took part in lots of activities put on by the staff.
Children's Mental Health Week February 2022
'Growing Together'
As part of Children's Mental Health Week, we decided as a school to dedicate a whole day to raising awareness of how we can keep ourselves mentally healthy. On Thursday 10th February the children took part in a range of workshops based around this year’s theme, ‘Growing Together’.
Growing Together is all about the ways that we can grow as people. As part of our whole school assembly, we talked about how as human being we change and grow all of the time and in many different ways and how some growth is easy to see, like when we grow from babies into children, teenagers to adults, or when flowers grow in spring. But other growth may be more difficult to spot – for example how we grow emotionally.
Each year group planned their workshops around the ‘NHS 5 ways to wellbeing’.
This saw our children getting active through a range of activities. For example, we saw our Reception children take part in a physical obstacle course, our Year 1 children enjoyed skipping, Year 3 children took on the challenges of orienteering, a number of Year groups relaxed through yoga and our Year 5 children were exhausted after running a mile around the school grounds.
We also talked about how the simple act of trying something new or stepping outside your comfort zone, as scary as it is, does really help us to grow. This saw our Year 3 children take part in preparing and cooking a meal from scratch; Year 4 learned how to speak Spanish; and our Year 5 children learned how to use sign language.
As part of our ‘Connecting and Take Notice’ sessions, we talked about ‘What lifts you?’, and how we can support each other through life’s ups and downs. This saw the children and adults in the school come together to each create a feather for our collective display that will feature down our corridor (more photos to follow once complete).
The staff were not left out as SLT served them breakfast as a thank you for their continued hard work and also to raise awareness of the mental health of adults. Just taking time to talk about the kinds of issues we all face, makes a huge difference.
All in all, the day was a huge success and all the children left school on a high, knowing strategies that they can use in order to keep themselves mentally healthy.
Safer Internet Day – Tuesday 8th February 2022
Exploring Respect and Relationships Online
This year for Safer Internet Day, the focus is exploring respect and relationships online which poses the question ‘All fun and games?’
Throughout the week, each year group teacher will deliver an assembly, suitable to the age of the children, all about how to stay safe online and how to show respect to others when using the internet. As many of you will be aware, a number of games online now enable children to speak to people from all over the world which is why this is such a big focus this year. This day is all about ensuring children keep safe when talking online, showing respect and knowing what to do when they encounter unkind behaviour online.
To celebrate the information they will be taught over the next week, we are asking that the children complete a task through the programme that we use in school (Purple Mash) relating to Safer Internet Day. Your child/children will have a parent letter - which they have been given this week – so that they can login at home with you being able to monitor their activity.
Below are the tasks which have been set as ‘2Dos’ for your child – they should know what this means from their computing lessons!
This is quiz based on the story in the assembly, also to be accessed online (there is a short video on this which will be on the website). We can screenshot their scores once handed in.
Children will use their knowledge of this day / event to create a recipe to a respectful online relationship.
Children will create an information sheet on who to talk to about online relationships.
The information from the assemblies can also be found below to help you to support your child when they are completing their task on Purple Mash. Please remind your child to ‘hand in’ – they will know what this means! We look forward to seeing your fantastic work.
National Story Telling Week
This week we are participating in National Story Telling Week here at Old Clee Primary Academy. Each day this week, teachers have read a short story to every class in their year group which both they, and the children have thoroughly enjoyed. Here are some of our Year 5 children enjoying a story.
Xmas Jumper Day 10th December 2021
On December the 10th we held Christmas Jumper Day and asked for donations to be shared between St Andrews Hospice and one of our own children's charities, Bear Named Buttony.
Buttony is a special bear for children having surgery to create a stoma. Buttony has had similar surgery and offers children comfort and friendship. A Bear Named Buttony is a charity supporting children and young people who have a stoma.
On Friday 19th November, the children came to school in fancy dress, pyjamas and Pudsey clothing to raise money for Children in Need. We raised a fantastic total of £431.20, thank you for your continued support.
Remembrance Day 2021
Thursday 11th November 2021 marks this year’s Remembrance Day. This is an annual day to remember and reflect upon the sacrifices made for our country. It is a day to honour the armed forces who have fought or died to defend our country. These sacrifices have been made throughout history, stemming back to the First World War. They remind us of the importance of being empathetic, benevolent and responsible citizens. Each year we take part in a two minute silence at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. This was a tradition first started by King George V in 1919 and was initially called Armistice Day. Many citizens around the country also wear a poppy upon their chest to show solidarity. This is due to the poppy being the flower which grew on the battlefields after World War I. Hence, why Remembrance Day is also known to many as Poppy Day.
At Old Clee this year, we have marked this special occasion by taking part in different activities linked to Remembrance Day.
Over the last couple of weeks, all year groups have focused their writing on a specific element of Remembrance Day. These include:
Some year groups have also taken part in craft activities linking to the poppy and what it symbolises.
Please take the time to look at our wonderful photos below of the children taking part in these reflective activities.
Diwali is the five-day Festival of Lights, celebrated by millions of Hindus, Sikhs and Jains across the world.
Diwali, which for some also coincides with harvest and new year celebrations, is a festival of new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness.
The festival is usually some time between October and November, with the date changing each year.
This year Diwali takes place over five days from 2 November to 6 November with the main day of celebration on Thursday 4 November.
Children at Old Clee have been learning and celebrating Diwali in many ways. See below all the exciting activities which have been taking place!
Nursery children explored creating fireworks in different ways, and making Mehndi patterns in their dough.
Reception children made a diva lamp out of clay.
Year 1 retold the story of Rama and Sita and made lanterns.
Year 2 made Diawli lanterns
Year 3 created bright and bold Rangoli patterns
Year 4 learnt a Diwali dance
Year 5 retold the story of Rama and Sita and used the computers to type their final drafts
Year 6 created a story board, which retold the Rama and Sita story
Autumn 2021 Sporting Events
Year 6 Girls football
The Year 6 girls played at Oasis Academy Wintringham in a 7-a-side football tournament. There were 8 other school teams competing and our girls were amazing! Most of them have never played competitive football before, but they worked as a team, supported each other and smiled the whole way through (even in the torrential rain).
They won one game 5-0, lost one game 1-0 and drew five games! What a great effort, girls! We are incredibly proud of you!
Year 5/6 Boys football
Year 5/6 boys played in a football tournament held at Oasis Academy Wintringham. The boys worked extremely hard, played well and scored some amazing goals! There were lots of teams down on the night and they came 5th overall, which was a great effort for their first time playing together!
Well done boys, you represented the Academy superbly and we are very proud of you!
Year 5 Boys football
Some year 5 boys also played in a football tournament held at Oasis Academy Wintringham. The boys worked extremely hard for each other, played some great football and scored some great goals! They won 4 games on the evening, drawing 3 and only losing twice! There were 10 teams competing on the night and they came very respectable 5th place overall, missing out on the top 4 by goal difference!
What a fantastic effort for their first time playing together, you represented the Academy superbly and we are very proud of you!
National Poetry Day!
7th October 2021
National Poetry Day is a British campaign to promote poetry, including public performances. National Poetry Day was founded in 1994 by William Sieghart. It takes place annually in the UK on the first Thursday in October. This year, our national poetry day theme is 'All about us' and it promotes the wonderfulness that we all have inside of each of us! Old Clee have performed the poems, 'Everything that Make me Smile' and 'All about Me'. Please look on your year group pages to find our wonderful contributions to this fantastic day!
Harvest Festival 8th October 2021
Harvest Festival is a yearly celebration of the food grown on the land. Christians use the Harvest festival to think about how God loves the world and cares for it. Churches are decorated with the things that Christians are thankful for, and they sing songs of gratitude. They also show they are followers of Jesus by doing the sorts of things Jesus himself used to do, such as looking after people who are less fortunate.
Old Clee celebrated this year, by coming to school in autumn coloured clothing and donating a food item. This was then collected by Father Nick from Old Clee Church for the local food bank. We held an assembly to share with the children why this is an important celebration and to also show them how kind and generous they had been with the amount of food that had been donated. We would like to send a huge thank you to all the children and parents!!
Big Talk Education Zoom Meeting Links
Lynnette Smith is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
BigTalk Education Staff & Parent Session (Nursery - Year3)
Time: Jun 10, 2021 05:30 PM London
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Meeting ID: 994 8817 7643
Passcode: 03a6N0
Lynnette Smith is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic:BigTalk Education Staff & Parent Session (Year 4 - Year 6)
Time: Jun 10, 2021 06:30 PM London
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Meeting ID: 942 7993 3667
Passcode: N1jUnD
On Friday 20th March, the last day that many pupils attended school before closures across the country, the children of Old Clee remained positive and supported the local community by making a food donation to come to school in colourful non-uniform. All food items will be distributed to residents of Old Clee by Father Nick (vicar of Old Clee Church) in order to support those most in need during these challenging times. We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of the families of our pupils, and we are incredibly proud of the way in which our children are taking recent events, and the measures which have had to be put in place, in their stride.
Pupils throughout the school helped to raise money for Sport Relief on Friday 13th March by donating £1 to come to school in their sportswear ready to run a mile for this great cause. Within their year groups, pupils from Foundation Stage to Year 6 were given half an hour to attempt to run nine laps of the Key Stage 2 playground - a distance of exactly one mile. Led by Mr Broughton, the children, and adults, put in maximum effort, and many enjoyed the activity so much that they continued to run extra laps during their break time and lunch time! Thank you to everybody for the energy and enthusiasm with which the event was approached, and of course, for your kind donations to Sport Relief which have so far raised a total of £490.16.
Year Five pupils have been busy over the last two weeks developing their cycling skills and working towards becoming safe cyclists for the future. We are so proud of the way in which the children have persevered and grown in confidence whilst practising first on the playground and then out on the roads.
From Wednesday 11th March to Friday 13th March, groups of Year Two pupils visited the Grimsby Fish Docks as part of their History work. They found out all about the history of the docks and how it has changed over time, and why the Dock Tower was originally built in 1852. Upon their arrival, they visited the Grimsby Fish Market and enjoyed looking at the different types of fish which had been caught that morning. They walked along the quayside to see vessels coming in and out of the docks and learnt all about how the lock gates open and close to control the tide. The children discovered so many interesting facts during their visit. We are very grateful to Martyn Boyers, who runs the Grimsby Fish Market, and Richard Claridge from ABP for all of their help.
To celebrate British Science Week (6th - 15th March, 2020), pupils across the school took part in a range of practical, engaging Science investigations. Bubbles, Rainbow Walk, Electrical Circuits, Light and Magnetism were just a few of the fun activities which pupils participated in, and as you can see, the children (and adults!) really enjoyed getting involved.