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Spring Term

Afternoon Tea

On Thursday 28th March, our half termly Afternoon Tea returned once again for the winners of this term’s terrific ticket draw.  This is aimed at rewarding those children who consistently display, not only excellent behaviour, but are also polite and thoughtful to others and have a positive attitude towards learning. Parents of the winners were invited to join their children and the Pastoral Team in enjoying afternoon tea. It was a wonderful afternoon and lovely to see all of the children celebrating with one another and their parents

Year 4 Celebration of Learning

Year 4 celebrated the end of their current topic 'Inventions that Changed the World'. Within this topic, they have been learning about how the Romans invented the roads, the benefits and uses of electricity (including how to build simple circuits) and the power of forces. In commemoration of the Wright Brothers, who invented the idea of flight, the children had lots of fun following instructions, with their parents, to build paper aeroplanes. They used their knowledge of forces to try to build the one they believed to have the least amount of air resistance.

Year 3 Celebration of Learning

On Wednesday 14th March, Year 3 had their Celebration of Learning for their current topic ‘The Human Body’. The children had a great time expanding their knowledge with family members and it was great to see the parents learning from the children.

Year 5 Celebration of Learning

This term, the Year 5 children have been looking at extreme survivors. Specifically, they have looked at how animals adapt to hostile environments.  With the help of the parents, the children created food chains. We would like to thank both children and parents for creating fantastic survival kits.

Year 1 Celebration of Learning

On Thursday 8th March, the Year 1 parents were invited in for their Celebration of Learning. This term the children had been learning all about The Great Fire of London and so the parents joined the children in making a collage. Thank you to everyone that attended, they look fantastic.
