Multiplication Times Table Check Parental Workshop
The multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory requirement for all Year 4 children to complete in June 2022. The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided. Therefore, we are holding a parental workshop on Monday 16th May at 9am and 2:30pm in the KS2 Hall to provide you with more information as to how you can help at home. Entrance will need to be made via the school office.
Home-school books and reading books and records should be brought into school every day. It is also encouraged that your child brings their own bottle of water each day.
Year 4 pupils will have PE on a Thursday and are asked to come to school in PE kit.
Personalised spellings and times tables will be set on a Friday. Assessment will take place the following Friday.
Multiplication tables is an on-going part of homework and will have a different focus each week. This extremely important to Year 4, due to the Multiplication Government Check. Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) are set for the children every fortnight on a Friday. Assessment will take place fortnightly on a Friday. Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFS) are designed to support the development of the mental skills and key knowledge that underpin much of the maths work in schools.
Year 4 Multiplication Check
All Year 4 children are expected to know their times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of the academic year. The Year 4 Times Tables Test is an annual government test to check that Year 4s in England and Wales have a good level of times tables knowledge.
Once the test has been taken in the summer, each child’s results will be known to the school and the government will have a national picture. The Year 4 Times Tables Test is an online test with 25 questions; children must answer each question within a 6 seconds time limit, so the whole test will take less than 5 minutes.
A great way for children to practice for the check, is to access Times tables Rock Stars 'Sound Check' area. This mimics the experience of the test and replicates the 6 second time limit.
Please find below more information about the multiplication check.
World Book Day
Mental Health Awareness Day
Year 4 had a great day celebrating Mental Health Awareness. We took part in many activities throughout the day including - being physical through yoga and dance, setting goals and targets to achieve, learning Spanish, considering the people around us who are in our circle and those who lift us up and also painting and decorating feathers to contribute to our whole school display of #whatliftsyou. We considered what makes us happy and lifts our mood when we're perhaps not having such a great day. See below for pictures of our day!
4CW Being Designers - Carrot and Parsnip soup
We will be bringing the recipe home so that we can show our families the skills we have learnt in the kitchen.