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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

2JM - Mrs Maloney & Miss Gray

2SM - Miss McEnnerney & Miss Skudder

2SV - Miss Vicary & Mrs Challis 

2AA - Mrs Airey & Miss Lee


Please come to school in your outdoor PE kit every Tuesday. Please check the school uniform policy for a full kit list. Earrings must be removed on PE days unless pupils are able to remove them themselves.



KIRFS (Key Instant Recall Facts)

The children will be sent home a different set of maths facts to learn every two weeks. There will be 4 facts that the children will need to learn/practise. These are facts that will help the children throughout their maths journey in Year 2. Pleasde see the following KIRFs to learn in Summer 1 and when these will be tested. Thank you.





Summer 1 overview

Summer 2 overview


Spring Year 2 newsletter

Summer Year 2 Newsletter

Well done to those in 2AA who earned their WOW badges

2AA celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee having a fantastic time!

2SV enjoying Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee school celebrations! ...What a wonderful day!

On Friday year 2 had to use their mathematical minds to solve maths clues in a treasure hunt. They then had to find the combination from their answers to unlock the treasure chest and get their treasure. What a fantastic time using our knowledge of maths in a different context well done everyone!

Maths Day 2022

2SV loved Maths Day and all of the activities which they got to take part in. Two of our favourite activities were the Scavenger Hunt (of course) and also learning to use co-ordinates to identify human features around our school, in our local area. This allowed us to show what fantastic Mathematicians and Geographers we are.

2 AA's maths challenge treasure hunt

On Friday 6th May the children in year 2 had the most amazing time learning about a Hindu wedding. The children dressed up in some beautiful outfits, and researched the traditions of the wedding. The children also made some wonderful henna designs and learnt that this is what a bride would do before her wedding. Finally everyone wore the most colourful garlands and attended a wedding at the Mandir, where the children took part in a Hindu wedding, danced and celebrated. It was a fantastic afternoon for everyone.

Year 2's Hindu wedding

2AA had a fantastic Red Nose Day all colourful with their red noses

Our Trip to The Fishing Heritage Centre 

When the early railways connected Great Grimsby to London’s famous fish markets in 1848, the town began an astonishing development into the World’s Premier Fishing Port! Fresh fish was now available nationwide and a national dish of Fish and Chips became possible.

Year 2 visited the Fishing Heritage Centre in Grimsby to learn about the history of Grimsby and it's fishing industry as part of our History learning. The children enjoyed climbing on board the preserved Ross Tiger and learning all about life at sea on a trawler. Through the wonderful sights, sounds and smells at the museum, our children learned all about the industry and appreciated how dangerous working on a busy fishing trawler was. 

Inside the museum, our children enjoyed being historians by exploring the many displays on offer, using their chronological skills and placing events in order and by identifying the many similarities from the past in comparison to modern life. 





2JM World Book Day. What a fabulous day we had!!

2AA looking great in all their costumes depicting their favourite characters

Year 2 in their fantastic costumes for world book day

Stranger Danger


In year 2 this week we had some visitors to talk about how to keep safe and who is a stranger and who is not.

Year 2 Mental Health day

Some of year 2 bird counting for the RSPB national bird week

Merry Christmas from Year 2!


Merry Christmas from 2SM!

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Merry Christmas from 2JM!

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Merry Christmas from 2AA!

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Merry Christmas from 2SV!

Christmas poem

Still image for this video

Christmas jokes

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Our Christmas message...Merry Christmas!

Still image for this video

Year 2 Christmas Jumper day

Year 2 looking fantastic for Children in Need day

Year 2 showing our odd socks for Anti Bullying Week

Remembrance Day 


To commemorate Remembrance Day, Year 2 created some poppy sun catchers. We then wrote a set of instructions to show other people how to create them. We also learnt about why Remembrance Day is important and found out why we wear poppies. 

Year 2 creating poppies for Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day Assembly

DT - Learning how to make a running stitch

Year 2 - National Poetry Day Video

Still image for this video

Harvest Assembly 11.10.21

Today was our Harvest Assembly. We discussed harvest and what it means. We talked about the different things that can be harvested. We also linked this to our personal development and discussed how we can be self-aware, responsible, benevolent and empathetic towards others by contributing to the harvest donations.

A little look at our learning...

Let's look at some of this week's learning. 4.10.21

Seasonal sandwiches

Year 2 enjoying sandwich making

Eco warriors - SUPERB problem solvers looking after the environment. DON'T DROP IT...BIN IT!!

A sneak peak at what we have been learning about this week...WC 13.9.21
