This term, during Maths, Year 6 will be focusing heavily upon place value, calculations and fractions. In English, the children will be given many opportunities to read, both in our ‘Bug Club’ sessions and in class ERIC time. As a class, we will also be reading ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by Michael Morpurgo as our class book. In writing, we will be covering work across a range of fiction texts – Kensuke’s Kingdom and A Thief in the Village, non-fiction texts – 101 Things to do to Become a Superhero or Evil Genius and poetry – The Sea.
In addition to this, we are looking forward to covering a broad range of curriculum areas over the term.
In science, the children will be learning about plants, animals, humans, evolution and inheritance in biology; and understanding electrical circuits, light and sound in Physics. Through our history lessons, we will be looking at World War II, The Victorians and Ancient Greece. The focus in our Geography lessons will be to improve place and location knowledge, as well as learning about a range of biomes and transportation. We will be studying the work of Piet Mondrian in Art, focusing upon the children attempting to recreate his style of drawing. In Design Technology, the children will be concentrating on designing, making and evaluating bread. Computing will see the children learning how to use spreadsheets, blogging and completing text adventures over the term. Within RE, we will be exploring humanism and the key principles behind this belief. Finally, during our Personal Development lessons, we are going to be working on ensuring we are SUPERB citizens – there will be a weekly focus on each of our SUPERB attributes (self-aware, unique, problem-solving, empathetic, responsible and benevolent).