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Remember, when you are discussing the music, you need to use the musical vocabulary that you have learned in school. Here is a list of the words you need to know and their definitions:


Pulse - the strong beat in the music


Rhythm - this is a repeated pattern of sound


Pitch - the frequency of the sound, is it high, like a smoke alarm, or low, like a motorbike?


Dynamics - this is the difference and change in volume of notes. They might be soft, light sounds or big, powerful sounds. 


Tempo - the speed of the music


Timbre - the quality of the tone which is like the "voice" of a musical instrument. You can tell an electric guitar by the timbre of the notes. A guitar has a very different timbre to a violin.


Structure - how the song is put together. It could have a verse, then a chorus, repeated throughout. Other songs have a middle section called a bridge, which sounds a little different from the rest of the song.


Texture - how the different layers of sound come together in a piece of music. A song might have a thin texture, with a vocal and a piano, or it may be thick, with many voices and a number of different instruments playing together.


Notation - the way we write music down so that we can read and sing or play it. In music lessons you have seen musical notes on a staff, with notation added.   ♪♫♪♫♪♫
