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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2. Here you can find key information and hear all about the exciting learning that is taking place in our year group. 

Meet the Team

The Year 2 team consists of Miss Miller, Mrs Hall, Mrs Airey, Miss Thompson, Mrs Brown, Mrs Carter and Mrs Quantrill.


Daily Items

Home-school books and reading books and records should be brought into school every day. It is also encouraged that your child brings their own bottle of water each day.


PE Kit

Year 2 pupils have PE on Wednesday. Please refer to their Home School Contact book for up to date information. 



Spelling homework will be handed out on a Friday and KIRFS and timestables will be handed out on a Wednesday.   Your child will be given a list of 10 spellings to learn, and will be expected to practice their times tables on the TT rockstars website. Once your child has logged in (find their log in information in their home school contact book) they should click on the 'garage'' button, to access personalised times tables which have been set by the class teacher. Children will also be sent home a weekly KIRF test. Please help your child to learn the weekly maths facts. You can find the weekly KIRFS in your child's Home School Contact Book. The weekly KIRF and timestables test will take place on a Wednesday but the spelling test will take place on a Friday. 


Summer term newsletter - Year 2

Summer Term 2 Weekly Spellings  

Times Tables Rockstars
Maths - Key Instant Recall Facts

KIRFS are key instant recall facts which we will be testing in school every week. Please help your child at home with these as part of their homework. 

Take a look at our pictures to see what we have been learning about in school.

Mental Health Week 

The children enjoyed connecting with nature for mental health week. We discussed how it is good for your well-being to get outside and explore nature. We loved listening to the birdsong, and identfying different plants and fowers. We even spotted a magpie and lots of minbeasts. 

Designing a Vehicle

In Year 2 we have been designing and creating vehicles. We learnt skills like scoring, cutting and punching holes. The children learnt about how the chassis and the axels help the car to move. Here are some children with their finished pieces. 

Number Day 

We took part in NSPCC Number Day. This is  a maths inspired event and on this day the children took part in a number of different maths activities. The children had lots of fun invsetigating different maths challenges. 

Year 2 have been learning about the famous Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama who using dots to create her art. We used different media to complete work in her style.

Year 2 Art Yayoi Kusama

The children have enjoyed learning about the artist Yayoi Kusama this term. Kusama loved to piant pumpkins and used bright polka dots to create her work. The children have enjoyed recreating pumpkins in the style of Yayoi Kusma. 

Year 2 have been making musical instruments after researching which instruments could be plucked, banged, blown and shook.

Design and Technology - making a sandwich

Today, the children made a sandwich in school. They measured the ingredients carefully and practiced their cutting skills. I hope you enjoy eating your delicious sandwiches after school today. 

Being unique 

This term we have been learning all about being unique. We have learnt about what makes us unique - our hobbies, interests, feelings, family, friends and much more! Today, we wore clothes that show off our unique personalities. We hope you like the photos. 

We have being scientists by classifying how sound is made. we carried out their investigations through musical instruments. We had to identify how the sound was made, by blowing, hitting, strumming or shaking.

The Tiger Who Came to Tea
The children have been introduced to the story of The Tiger Who Came to Tea. Today the children have made up actions to help them retell the story in the correct order. The children have done a super job and wanted to share their story with you. The children will be retelling and writing the story later this week. 
Click on the 'school video's' link to see another Year 2 performance.


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Children In Need

Running Stitch 
This week in Y2 we have enjoyed learning how to use the running stitch. Look at our wonderful creations. 

Harvest Festival

Thank you for all your donations of food and toiletries. This will make a massive difference to others. 

As we are unable to celebrate in our local church this year - we thought we would bring our harvest celebration song to you! We hope you enjoy the children’s lovely singing. This is our Harvest Festival song. 

Harvest Song 2LM

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Harvest Song 2NH


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Still image for this video