Home Page

Year 6

Year 6 Graduation

Year 6 Leavers' Dancing Video

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Leavers' Video

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Easter Holiday Homework

Year 6 Spelling Overview Summer Term: 3A

Welcome to Year 6!


Our teaching team consists of Mrs Mullins, Mr Dean, Mr Cole and Mrs Formby.



Important Information.

  • Year 6 P.E day is Wednesday, however please make sure P.E kits are in school all week.
  • Homework and spellings are given out on a Friday and are due in on the following Thursday.
  • Spelling test is on a Friday.
  • Reading records are due in on a Wednesday - Please try to read at least 5 times a week.

Year 6 Homework Summer Term 1

Year 6 Newsletter Summer Term 1

SATs Parent Workshop - Please find below the information given out at this afternoon's workshop

Year 6 Revision Websites

Year 6 Spelling Overview Spring Term: 2B

Year 6 Homework Project - January 2019

Year 6 Newsletter - January 2019

Spellings for Spring Term 1

World Book Day 2019 in Year 6!

Year 6 Enterprise

Year 6's first task was to review all the products that were made by the children.

The Old Clee Press and Paparazzi were out and about during the Christmas Market.

We then had the enjoyment of writing the school Newsletter.

And finally, just a few of the many photos that were take by the Old Clee Paparazzi.....

Early Morning fun at booster!

Year 6 Term 1B Spelling Overview.

Peer editing our WWII poems.

Year 6 Autumn Term Topic Homework

Peer editing our Newspaper reports on the Blitz.

Year 6 Spellings for first half term 2018

Year 6 Newsletter - September 2018
