Reading - Year 1
Oxford Owl
From the KS1 Virtual Reading Classroom, click in Online Resources. Then there are two links for Oxford Owl. One will provide login details and a demonstration and the other will take you to the web page.
Please try and read daily. We have a wealth of reading books and audio books available on our school website.
'Clever people read books' xx
You can access school reading books via the Oxford Owl site (there is a screencast below which will explain how to access Oxford Owl).
Which Oxford Owl book should my child read?
The book band level will be the colour reading book that your child brings home each night. The RWI book is the phonics level your child works on each day in school.
When you click on the Oxford Owl link, chose a book the same colour as the one your child brings home.
When you click on the Red Write Inc link, chose the level which matches your child’s home reading book. E.g. If your child brings home a yellow colour reading book, they will be in a green book RWI group.
Oxford Owl Shared log in details -
Class 1; User Name : ocpa year 2 and 1 password: twos
In addition, we have directed you to a book a day story video. This is an audio book that the children can access and have a story read to them by different famous people. To access the 'virtual library' click on the phonic link below and when the phonic page opens click on the STORYTIME logo and it will open the 'virtual library book case' . Click on the book we have directed you to and listen away xx