This term, during Maths lessons, Year 3 will be focusing on prodominantly number, which includes place value of 3 digit numbers, adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers using written methods as well as recalling our 3, 6, 4, 8 times tables. We will be practising lots of written methods to solve problems involving all four operations, as well as focusing on geometry when looking at shapes in different orientations. Measurements will feature later in the term, including telling the time and statistics.
In English, the children will be given many opportunities to read, both in our Bug Club sessions and within our class ERIC time. Our focus book for the first part of the term will be ‘Grimm’s Fairytales’ by Ruth Brocklehurst and we will then be moving onto poetry, where our focus book will be ‘Poetry Pie’ by Roger McGough. We will be taking part in many discussions, drama and writing activities based on these texts.
In addition to this, we are looking forward to covering a broad range of curriculum areas over the term.
Within Art, our focus skills will be on painting with emphasis on the artist Wassily Kandinsky. During Design Technology lessons, we will be concentrating on the design skills of mechanisms, where we will be designing, making and evaluating a pneumatic mechanism. Through our computing lessons, we will be learning all about touch typing, email safety and branching databases. Whilst in History, we will enjoy learning about The Stone Age, The Romans and about tourism in our local area of Cleethorpes. We will be delving more into the chronology of these times in History and important events that happened. In Geography, we will be learning all about places across the world such as Europe and our local area as well as understanding about erosion, deposition and earthquakes and volcanoes. Lastly, throughout our Personal Development lessons, we are going to be continuing our learning on how to be a SUPERB citizen.