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Mobile Phones



Pupil Mobile Phones


Mobile phones are not allowed to be brought into the Academy. If, due to safeguarding reasons, you need to make arrangements for your child to bring a mobile phone  to school you must have previously spoken with the Head Teacher to gain permission. If you have not, then your child should not bring a mobile phone into the Academy under any circumstance.

If permission is granted, parents need to be aware of the following non-negotiable procedures that will need to be implemented in order to keep all children safe:


  1. Your child will need to hand their mobile phone to the Academy office on immediate entry onto the Academy site.
  2. At home time, your child will visit the Academy office for their mobile phone to be handed back to them.
  3. Your child will then be escorted off the Academy premises via the front entrance only (Colin Avenue), so that staff can ensure mobiles are not being used the wrong way. Your child WILL NOT be allowed back on site, to exit via a different entrance.
  4. Thise children attending any after school club will need to pick up their mobile phone from the Academy office AFTER THE CLUB HAS FINISHED, and leave via the front entrance only (Colin Avenue). They WILL NOT be allowed back on the site.


Your children all thoroughly know this and know the procedure. If mobile phones are brought into the Academy via any other method, the parents will be called to come and collect the phone personally at the end of the school day.
