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Year 1

Targets ready for Year 2...
Children within the year group have now received their end of year reports and individual targets to work on ready for Year 2. Below you will find both the Year 1 and Year 2 common exception and high frequency words for the children to practise over summer. 

Welcome to Year 1. We are so looking forward to meeting you all in September.

Year 1

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Meet The Team

Welcome to year 1. The teaching team consists of Mrs Leader (1JL) Year 1 Lead supported by Mrs Hersey, Miss Vicary (1SV) supported by Miss Gray, Mr Clancy (1LC) supported by Mrs Taylor and Miss Webster (1JW) supported by Miss Swanson. PE will be delivered by Mr Broughton and Mr Lofts and music by Miss Harker.

Important Information

Daily routine -

Home/school books (yellow books)

please bring your yellow home/school contact book to school daily. Please use this book to inform the class teacher of any change to collection/drop off routines. The book is also used to pass messages or information to your teacher and also to enable the teacher to communicate messages back to parents.

Reading record books

Once reading books have been distributed both reading books and the green reading record books are to be brought into school daily for quiet reading time. Books will be changed on a Tuesday and a Friday once read at home. We encourage as much home reading as possible as the benefits of home reading are huge. Please record in the green record book when you have read at home. We collate our home reading activity as a year group and challenge the children to read a minimum of 3 times a week at home.


We will issue your child with a red 'Homework book' this is yours to keep at home to stick in your spelling and maths lists if you would like. This book does not need to be brought back into school.

Each week, your child will be given a list of personalised spellings to learn. Please support your child and help them to learn these words. New spellings will be given out on a Friday and a spelling test will take place the following Friday. The maths focus this term will be to learn number bonds to 10 (2 numbers that add to 10). Homework does not need to be handed in but practised throughout the week to support spelling and maths tests. Please record in the green record book when you have read at home. This can be your child's school reading book or class focused author book. We challenge the children to read a minimum of 3 times a week at home.


Please send your child to school in their outdoor PE kit on a Monday. Year 1 will all have PE on a Monday following May half term. You do not need to send a school uniform, children will stay in their PE kit for the duration of the day, they will not need to get changed.

Your child will not be able to partake in PE if they do not have the correct outdoor PE kit. 

Maths Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFS)

Every fortnight we will learn 4 key instant recall facts (KIRFS) to help the children remember and recall some essential Year 1 maths facts. Please help your child to recall or learn some of these facts whilst at home.

Year 1 Curriculum Overview Autumn Term

Year 1 Curriculum Overview Spring Term

Year 1 Curriculum Overview Summer Term

Here is just a selection of what Year 1 have been doing x

SUPERB Citizens

If you want to know what SUPERB stands for listen to the Year 1 Cheerleaders Chant!


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It’s Coming Home Day!

The children all looked fantastic in their red, white and blue to support the England football team today. The children got into the spirit of great sportsmanship by singing songs, making flags and talking about the teams that have competed in the Euros this year.

The children also enjoyed playing football, doing penalty shoot out and practising dribbling skills in the playground. 


Come on England!

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It’s Coming Home!

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It's coming home day in 1JW

Football's coming home!

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So good! So good! So good!

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Being a Geographer

We used different sources of information to find out about the countries that make up the United Kingdom. For place and location knowledge the children used maps, globes and atlases. For physical and human geography they used fact files from our library and the internet. We also looked at the UK flags and how they contribute to the Union Jack. They really enjoyed collecting information independently and found out some great interesting facts too.

The children presented their work in a fact file for each individual country.

Being an Artist

We really enjoyed contributing to a large class piece of artwork. We were inspired by the artist Gustav Klimt and recreated his ‘Tree of Life’. The children used their skills of printing to add something personal to the tree. This could be about their likes, dislikes or family. It looks amazing!

Being a Designer

We put our sewing skills to the test and made our pen holders today. We concentrated really hard and were so proud of our final work. We tested them to make sure they held a pen or other equipment. What a super skill to learn x 

Sports Day 2021

The children had a fabulous time competing in our 'in school' sports day. We raced in six teams to represent the SUPERB citizen. The children received 'shout outs' for good sportsmanship and supporting their team. The children were so supportive and really enjoyed the different races.

Well done year 1.

Miss Webster is so proud of her mini athletes...

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Another super reader! We are loving listening to each other's stories at the moment, asking each other questions and learning new vocabulary from our class mates.

Being benevolent and empathetic...this week we learnt about loneliness: what it looks like and what we can do to help ourselves and others.

Being a designer...

This week Year 1 design a product ready to make in two weeks time. The children also had the chance to practise key skills they would need to use to attach their product together. We practised with thread and plastic needles. We had to really listen to instructions and concentrate using fine motor skills...We loved the challenge!

Year 1 Skills building. We can thread... we can sew!


This week during computing time for action we challenged the children to log on and complete an activity on purple mash within twenty minutes. Many children struggle to log in quickly so this was a great practise for us. Can you try this at home?

Super reader...

Super reader!

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Being a Mathematician

Say what you see ... use what you know! 

We use counters and everyday objects to help us solve mathematical problems. By using concrete methods of learning  the children are able to visualise, process and understand how to work out problems. This also helps them to understand where they went wrong so they can self-correct if they did not find the correct answer. 

This week we have been collecting counters to show we are ‘problem solving citizens’ we collected a few in maths. 

Sunflower seeds...

Year 1 loved planting sunflower seeds today during a mindful, well-being session. The children were great at recalling knowledge about what plants needs to grow and how to care for them.

"The Gingerbread Man"

Year 1 LOVED learning "The Gingerbread Man" story last week. We listened to the story and created our own actions. We then drew our own story maps and planned our writing. This all helped us to write our Gingerbread Man re-tell.

Mental Health Week

the children completed various activities to celebrate mental health week.

What makes you happy?

Creating Collages 

We took inspiration from the Artist Romare Bearden. We looked at how he used layering to create a collage. We used coloured paper, newspaper and magazines to create different looks. 

We linked our artwork to our call story The Gingerbread Man. The children loved finding characters in the magazines to add a personal touch to their collages. 

Being a Scientist

The children carried out a scientific experiment to answer the question

’What is the most suitable material to make an umbrella?’

The children made a prediction. Then carried out a fair test. They had lots of fun testing the different materials to see which were waterproof. They categorised the materials then made a conclusion to answer the question. 

Friday 7th May National Number Day

The children enjoyed carrying out investigative challenges to celebrate number day. We really had to use our problem solving skills and work together to find solutions or answers.

The children enjoyed putting our maths mottos to good use ... Say what you see, Use what you know and Prove it!

Number Day - Investigating and answering maths problems

Being a Geographer!


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Being a musician!

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This was the first time we rehearesed our new song 'Your Imagination'. We have listened and appraised, then we moved to the rhythm and the pulse. We will continue to practice and get better. We can't wait to record the final version.

SUPERB Citizens

In PD the children have been focusing on R for responsible citizens. They have been learning what being responsible means. We have planted seeds and looked after plants to show how we can be responsible for taking care of a living thing x 

Fab work Year 1 

In Art we then painted "something we could see" using the mixing skills we have developed so far...

Being a scientist!

Being an Artist continued...

We used our paint mixing skills to create artwork inspired by the Artist Paul Klee. We had to paint carefully and use different sized brushes to paint in the shapes.

Being an Artist

We have been learning about primary and secondary colours. We have also investigated how to make different shades. The children mixed their own colours and created different shades.

Red Nose Day 2021

Thank you to all those who donated and participated in this years non-uniform day for Red Nose Day.

The children enjoyed some Red Nose Day activities. We discussed ‘charity’ and linked this to PHSE and being a SUPERB citizen.

Being a Scientist

We have been looking at our scientific skills of pattern seeking. We have learnt about changes in the seasons with a focus on spring. The children have compared the weather and the environment in spring to that of winter. 

We enjoyed looking around school for signs of spring.

Being a Good Communicator

The year 1 pupils learnt the poem Dirt on My Shirt as part of their literacy this week. They enjoyed putting actions to the poem and creating their own story map to help them re-call the poem by memory. What a lovely first week back too! The children settled quickly and were soon back into their usual routines. You have made us all very proud this week xx 

Didn't they do well xx 

1JL (sorry it got a bit windy)

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1JL take two!

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1LC Dirt on my Shirt

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1SV "Dirt on my shirt"

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Unique Day

The children all looked fantastic today celebrating being unique and consolidating our message about tolerance and acceptance linked to anti-bullying week.

Cultural Capital

today we investigated and learned about tallest buildings. We looked at landmarks around the UK and compared these magnificent buildings by age then height. The children were fascinated how in 1865 Big Ben could have been built without the advantage of today’s modern machinery. We talked about engineering and how builders from the past used pulleys and horse power to construct buildings.

We split into teams and used ‘junk’ to construct our own tallest towers. The children used their discussion, negotiation and problem solving skills to make their own Big Ben. The buzz in the classrooms was amazing! 

Just look at our creations ... 2030 apprentice engineers in the making x 


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This is what happens when you give the children a design brief, a success criteria and independence. Great team effort 1JW! Miss Swanson and I were very impressed.


Being an Artist

this week the children put their artistic skills to work creating their very own sculpture. Taking inspiration from Antony Gormley’s sculpture work the children were given free reign to recreate Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa in clay. Look how superb their artwork is xx 


Being a Theologian

As part of our religious education we have been looking at different faith stories. This week we looked at The Creation Story according to the Christian belief and discussed how they believe God created earth. We discussed how Christians believe we should care for our world because God created it. We then discussed moral issues and why some people, regardless of faith or religion, still care for our world. We looked at pollution issues around the world and then made posters about why, as individuals, we think you should look after our world.

Being a Mathematician

in year 1 we have been learning different skills to help us with our addition and subtraction. The children have used the  part part whole model to help visualise the number sums. We have made up our own word problems to help us understand why we add or subtract and used different apparatus to help us work out our number problems.

The children have also enjoyed challenging each other to find the most number bonds on ‘hit the button’ on the interactive white board. 

A Unique Citizen

As part of our PHSE we have been looking at what makes us unique. The children discussed their likes and dislikes and how it is ok to like different things. Then they worked with a partner to to talk about what they are good at and what they feel they are not so good at. The children completed a Venn diagram and  discussed their differences and similarities.

We extended this to talk about family structures and how each family is unique. The children enjoyed making a poster about who lives in their house.

This week, to link in with Anti Bullying Week, the children have talked about all these things and how being unique should be celebrated. We discussed bullying and how unkind words and actions can make others feel.


Children In Need

The children have been following the Children In Need 'Five to Thrive' with Joe Wicks this week. They have focussed on a different element each day, discussing the concepts 'to connect', 'take notice', 'be curious', 'give' and 'get active'.

The children have completed a daily work out with Joe Wicks and got active in PE then completed an activity as part of their PHSE work. They have talked about being curious to try something new, what makes their friend special and drawing their feelings.

Today they enjoyed the last element of dressing up and giving to those in need. Thank you for you efforts, especially those homemade outfits. The children looked fantastic and enjoyed showing off their outfits.

Here are some of our pictures.


The children learnt about the meaning of remembrance. They discussed what they knew and talked about why we wear a poppy as a mark of remembrance. As many of us were unable to attend the usual parades this year the children coloured a picture to put in their windows at home.

Being a Scientist

Year 1 have been investigating materials as part of their science curriculum. They have identified what material things are made of, categorised items according to their material. We  then looked at the properties of materials and discussed why it is a good material to make something from.

We used the story of The Three Little Pigs as a hook for an experiment ... What would be the best material to make a roof or a door for the little pigs house? And Why?

The children had fun testing the materials to see if the Big Bad Wolf could get in or not.

Harvest Festival

Thank you for all your donations of food. This will truly make a difference.

As we are unable to celebrate in our local church this year - we thought we would bring our harvest celebration song to you ... via the internet x

Hope you enjoy the superb singing.

1JL Time for Harvest

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1JW Singing a Harvest Song...

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ISV's harvest song.

1SV's harvest song...

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1LC's Harvest Song

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Being an Artist

the children have been learning how to do thick, thin, wavy, zig zag and broken lines to  help them with their drawing skills. We have also been taking inspiration from the artist Leonardo Da Vinci. We had a go at copying his famous art work The Mona Lisa.

Being a Self-Aware Citizen

in PHSE we have been thinking about how we can be self-aware. the children have been marking their own work so that they know and understand how they can improve their work and make it even better .


Being a historian...
This week year 1 had their first history lesson. We used historical sources to make predictions and gain evidence about the past. The children enjoyed learning about The Gunpowder Plot. Our little historians asked and answered important questions and were amazed when they realised this significant historical event is the reason we celebrate bonfire night. 
Being a self aware citizen.

In PSHE we are encouraging the children to become a self aware citizen. This includes understanding and controlling their own feelings.


This week we focused on our worries. With the help of the worrysaurus we identified some of our worries. The children were so mature and brave when discussing the things that give them 'worry butterflies'. 

Being a digital learner 🖥 


This week, year 1 had their first ICT lesson. We were so impressed with their computer skills. We challenged them to log on with their personal log in and create an online avatar. They then created a picture and saved their work in their class folder. 


We had so much fun!

Design and Technology ...


In DT we looked at where food comes from .... and we don’t mean the shops! 

We looked at categorising food types under the headings from an animal or plant.

Being a theologian...


In R.E. this week, we have been thinking about the question "What makes me unique?" 

We talked as a class about how our appearance and personality makes us unique. We then linked this to Christian celebrations. We are unique because we have different birthdays,  we all celebrate Christmas differently and some of us were christened as a baby. 

No two people in this world are the same. Isn't that amazing!

Being a good communicator

Spoken Language

Well done Year 1 😃 what a fabulous first day in year 1 we have had x Welcome to all the new pupils, and their parents/carers, we met today. The children were FANTASTIC! 
We look forward to welcoming the rest of our pupils tomorrow. 

Settling In x

Year 1 have done themselves proud this week. The children have been fantastic! They have followed instructions, adapted to new routines, made new friends, met new teachers and come into school quickly, smartly and with minimal fuss ... superb!

Look at how proud they are at 'getting on independently' in a morning. Well done to you all.

Understanding Feelings with The Colour Monster

As part of our focus on personal, social and emotional wellbeing we have read the book The Colour Monster. This book is a fantastic way to help children understand their feelings and encourage them to talk about them to others. We have enjoyed making some of our own Colour Monsters during art that represent our different feelings. 
