30 Hours Free Childcare
30 hours free childcare is available for three and four year olds. This doubles the 15 hours previously available and could save working families up to £5,000 a year. Parents will be able to check their eligibility using the online childcare calculator and, if eligible, submit an online application. Once signed up, parents will receive an eligibility code to take to their childcare provider. Childcare providers will then check the code with their local authority. If eligible, parents can book their 30 hours place subject to availability.
Check below to see if your child is entitled to receive this. If they are please contact the Office team for further information.
Top-Up Hours for Nursery
We have introduced an option for parents to pay for an additional session per day and the cost would be £15 per session (A session would be either a full morning or full afternoon). Additional sessions must be committed to permanently and cannot be added on an ad-hoc basis. Additional sessions will be invoiced and must be paid in advance on a termly basis.
If you would like to apply for a nursery place for your child, please contact the school office on 01472 691887 or call into the office to collect an application form.