Our Wonderful Writing Page!
What can we achieve this week?
Here are the definitions of some of the words that we look at this week in our writing and SPaG, E.G:
Click on the sheet below to help you. There are definitions of Fronted adverbials, adverbs and many, many more to help you with your learning.
Please click the link below to watch our fantastic cursive handwriting support video!
You can also view other handwriting videos on our Spelling, punctuation and grammar home learning page!
Writing Task
You will need a pencil and some lined paper. Or, you might like to use a laptop with and open microsoft word to type your work into.
This week, we are learning to explain in writing. We will be extending our understanding of Explanation texts from last week's amazing volcano writing! We will be applying what we learned about explanation texts last week to help us write about a different topic. We will be writing and explaining what to do in the event of an earthquake!
Please watch the following links to help you understand what to do in the event of an earthquake.
Today we are using the WAGOLL, our plan and the word mat sheet to help us plan the explanation text!
Wednesday and Friday
Today, we will be writing our explanation text. Remember to explain why you need to do different things to keep safe if you are in different places. Please use the success criteria to help you as this will remind you to add all the features that you need to.