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Personal Development

Internet Safety

Today Mr Pinto and his friend Billy came to our school to help us learn how to be safe when we access games, apps and programmes online.

We found out that we shouldn’t be on our electrical devices for more than an hour a day. We also learnt a catchy song to help us remember what to do.


The internet is great.

The internet is fun.

But if you’re feeling worried you’ve got to tell someone.



Road Safety Month

Today we dressed in neon colours to help us be seen when crossing the road. We had a very important visitor called Paul Coultard from Humberside Fire and Rescue. He talked to us about road safety ‘STOP LOOK LISTEN and THINK’.

He reminded us that we need to be seen and wear bright clothing to help us be seen by drivers. We also got very excited when he did an experiment using an egg to show us how important it is to wear a safety helmet. He compared the egg to our heads and showed us the difference between wearing a helmet and not. We then found out about being safe in the car and how important it is to use a proper car seat or booster seat when travelling in a car. That this helps our seatbelt to fit properly. We found out all about a family called the Silly family and what happens as a result of not wearing a seat belt. 

Stop Drop and Roll

Still image for this video

This week we have been ‘Self Aware’ thinking about how we can stay safe during Halloween and Bonfire night.

We had a visit from Humberside Fire and rescue advocate John Scott. He was really impressed with how knowledgable our children were about staying safe near fire and fireworks.

He gave us some top tips on staying safe and being respectful to others when trick or treating too!


Internet Safety Assembly in KS1
