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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Here you can find key information and hear all about the exciting learning that is taking place in our year group.


Meet the Team

The Year 2 team consists of Mrs Walmsley, Mrs Hall, Mrs Airey, Miss Shields,  Miss Skudder and Mrs Taylor.


Daily Items

Home-school books and reading books and records should be brought into school every day. It is also encouraged that your child brings their own bottle of water each day.


PE Kit

Year 2 pupils will usually have PE on a Wednesday and a Friday. However, PE kit should be brought into school on a Monday and taken home on a Friday as it means pupils will have their kits if there are any changes to the usual timetable.



Homework (Maths homework and Spellings) is set on a Friday. Completed homework can be brought in on any day but must be in by the following Friday. Learning multiplication tables is an on-going part of homework but will have a different focus each week.

These are words which all pupils in Year 2 should be able to spell and read.

Maths - Key Instant Recall Facts

Sport Relief
Year 2 Grimsby Fishing Dock Trip

Across three days all of the Year 2 children visited the Grimsby Fishing Docks, learning lots of interesting facts about the history of the fishing industry. The children enjoyed seeing the fish market and all of the different types of fish that are brought  here and then sold on to be processed. They particularly enjoyed learning about Marine Control and watching the lock gates open and close and water levels rise so the vessels can safely enter the Docks. We saw lots of different vessels including an RNLI vessel, vessels used to transport people to the wind turbines and of course fishing vessels. The children really enjoyed this trip and they have enjoyed talking to both staff, peers and parents about their exoerience. Next week the children will be writing a recount of their school trip. 

Year 2 Light Investigation

This week Year 2 took part in an exciting light investigation. We learnt about different light sources and we then investigated which materials could block the light sources. We found out that the best material to block light was opaque materials. We had lots of fun! 
World Book Day

Year two enjoyed celebrating World book Day which is dedicated to celebrating reading! We saw some amazing costumes with Harry Potter and Matilda proving to be very popular. All of the children enjoyed taking part in the different activities to support World Book Day. We enjoyed sharing stories, writing book reviews, designing book covers, colouring in bookmarks and creating book spines of our class author books which will form a display in school. The children were excited when they were presented with  a book of their own to take home. Happy reading! 

2AA World Book Day

DT/ICT Lesson

Today, Year 2 have been having lots of fun with our Bee Bots. In DT we have been learning about algorithms and how to instruct a Bee Bot. We experimented with lots of directional instructions and worked together in teams to move the Bee Bot around in the shape of a square. All of the children had different jobs when working as a team and enjoyed editing and writing their algorithms! 

Science - Investigating materials  

In science this week we have been investigating different materials and exploring their properties. We were given the task of making our class alien a rain hat. We worked with a partner and chose from a rage of materials including card, paper, tin foil, plastic, felt, fabric and tissue. We made a prediction if the materials we chose,  would be suitable to make a rain hat. We discussed the different properties of the materials and thought about if they were absorbent, strong, waterproof, hard, transparent, flexible and soft. Next we made the rain hat with our partner using the materials listed in our prediction. Finally we tested our rain hats and poured water over them to see if the materials we chose were suitable. We had lots of fun being scientists and investigating and testing materials this week. 

Safer Internet Day 

On 11th February 2020 we took part in Safer Internet Day. Safer Internet Day promotes the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people. We watched videos in class and discussed ways of staying safe when we go online. We also discussed what to do it we didn't feel safe online or if we saw something that wasn't nice. Also our local PSCO's came into school and delivered a special assembly and spoke to us about internet safety. 

CHSF Awareness and NSPCC Number Day 

Today the children came to school in non-uniform and wearing red in support of two charities the Children's Heart Surgery Fund and the NSPCC. The children enjoyed participating in some number games including Fizz Buzz. The children had to say fizz on an even number. They enjoyed rolling a dice three times and using their addition skills to find the total, trying to beat their partner's  score. The children also enjoyed sharing different number facts with each other. 


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Music Lessons 

The children in Year 2 have been getting musical with Mrs Hunter. They have been learning about different instruments and how to play them. They particularly enjoyed learning how to play a ukulele. The children were feeling very proud of themselves because they were able to recite "Row Row Row Your Boat." I think you will agree they sound fantastic. 


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Pointillism art
The children have enjoyed learning about a famous artist called George Seurat. He was famous for using pointillism, a technique of painting using small dots. The children were eager to experiment with this technique and produced some fantastic symmetrical butterflies! 
Christmas Showcase 

We enjoyed performing our Christmas showcase for our grown-ups. Our favourite song was Silent Night because we learnt British sign language to the words. We hope you enjoy the video of our song and wish we everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy  New Year. 


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Christmas Jumper Day! 

On Friday 13th December, the children wore their Christmas jumpers to school. This was all in the name of a good cause. By doing so the children helped to raise money for the charity, "Save the Children." The money raised will help other children to have a brighter future. I think we can all agree that the children look fantastic! 

The Robin Hood Show 
Year 2 enjoyed watching a performance of Robin Hood. There was lots of singing, dancing and fun to be had. The performance told the story of Robin Hood. Even the teachers were involved in a dance competition. The children then wrote a recount of the performance in English, using time connectives to help to sequence their writing. What a super job they did!