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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!


Our Team

6JH - Miss Hutson

6CJ - Mrs Jenkins

6EB - Miss Baxter

6LR - Miss Ridgeway


Click on the star below to find out who we have chosen for our class superstars this week!



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Congratulations to our overall year group winners!

Transition Support Workshop

Film Friday!🎞🍿

Celebrating King Charles III🤴🇬🇧

SPaG Treasure Hunt🏴‍☠️💸

Compass Go came to work with us on test stress to make sure we are calm for our upcoming tests!

We LOVED our ice cream treat! Best day ever!

A huge well done to some of our Year 6 children on achieving 100% Attendance📖

A fun session for 6JH as a reward for winning the skipping challenge!

Fun Fish Action!

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Careers Day!


We’ve had an AMAZING day with a wide range of visitors sharing their career experiences! Thank you to Richard and the team from ABP, Dan from RWE, Jake looking at Biomedical Science and Mat and the team from the Army!

Adding a switch to break a circuit💡💡🔌

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Creating Circuits in Science💡🔋

Baking, Tasting and Evaluating Bread 🥖

Out of school sports tournament winners!

World Book Day Buddies

Practising our equivalent fractions by playing a game!

We flipping loved the pancake day races!


Being a Designer (motor car) 🚘🚘

Making Connections with well-being!


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Light and reflection science investigations

NUMBER DAY! We had a fabulous completing investigative work!

Being a Designer: Bread Skills

Last day of term celebrations... quizzes, party games and prizes!

Exploring 3D shapes nets

Rewards for earning 2 or 3 superb stars!

Exploring Electricity - we have researched some famous scientists!

Being Digital Learners

Drama! Acting scenes from the Spanish Lotto Advert to support our writing!

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Year 6 think it’s coming home! Getting into the World Cup spirit!

Children In Need

Anti-Bullying Week

Remembrance Day - wearing our poppies with pride and completing our two minutes silence.

Book review certificates for completing 5 fiction book reviews!

Reading Challenge - 90 books! So close to the 100 target!

Reading challenge - 80 books! What an achievement!

Reading challenge - 70 books! Unbelievable!

Reading Challenge - 60 books! Over half way there!

Reading Challenge - 50 books! Wow!

Reading Challenge - 40 books! Great effort!

Reading Challenge - 30 books! Well done!

Reading Challenge Read 20 books! Congratulations!

Well done to our Year 6 children who have completed their first 10 books! They are well on their way to completing the 100 Book Challenge.

Not in our Community Workshop

Maths investigations

Noah did an amazing job of retelling the story of Percy Blackborrow!

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Being a Geographer - North America (Miami)

Being Historians - learning all about the Victorian Era

Gabia's Limerick!

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A huge well done to Gabia, who created two limericks about her new puppy!

6EB Bikeability Training

6JH Bikeability Training

Our work in the style of Henri Matisse!

A HUGE congratulations to our new         Year 6 Councilors!

Mount Vesuvius and Pompeii

Our Class Project!

Keeping Healthy and Active

International Trade!



Daily Items

Home-school books and reading books and reading records should be brought into school every day. It is also encouraged that your child brings their own bottle of water each day as well as a waterproof coat due to the changing weather.


PE Kit

Year 6 pupils will have PE on a Tuesday and are asked to come to school in PE kit. Please remember to remove any jewellery.    



Each week, children will have spellings, times tables and key instant recall maths facts which they must learn off by heart. These will be set on a Friday and assessed the following Friday. 


Multiplication tables is an on-going part of homework and will have a different focus each week. This is extremely important to Year 6 as knowing times tables facts will help with many aspects of maths and SATs preparation. ALL children are expected to access TT Rockstars at least once a week.


Please see the newsletter, spellings and KIRFs below for details about what we will be learning over the term.

Reading Challenge 

We have introduced new reading records to children in years 1-6. The children have been set a challenge to read a hundred books before the end of the school year. These books will be books provided by school and read at school or at home. 


Please watch the following links for a full explanation of how our reading records work.


The aim 


What to record


Important information

Summer Newsletter
