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Summer Term

Year 3 Celebration of Learning 

This week Year 3 have taken part in a code hunt for their celebration of learning! The children and their parents/carers solved many riddles related to their learning from the year and de-coded a special phrase! They were all excited to share their amazing knowledge relating to Science, Geography and History with their adults.

As the children were such amazing explorers, they all received a fantastic prize at the end! Well done Year 3!  

Year 3 Geography Field trip

This week Year 3 have been on a walk to our local area! They used their geography skills of field work to identify human and physical features in our local area and noted them down in tally form. We then worked together as a class to collate our findings into a chart to display our findings! We had lots of fun walking around our local area! 

Year 3 Geography field trip

E-Safety Visitor 

Year 3 had a visitor today to explain how we can be safe from risks and dangers online. We learnt lots of ways to keep ourselves safe online! 

E-Safety Visitor!


In Geography we have been learning all about coastlines and erosion. Today we looked at the sea defences in our local area and learnt about their purpose and advantages for them being on our coastline. We then created models of our coastline, labelled the sea defences and then presented all that we had learnt to the rest of the class. We had a fabulous time learning about our local area! 

Compass Go Visitor! 

We learnt all about our brains and how we can help ourselves deal with our emotions! 

Year Three Magna trip! 

Year Three had an amazing time in Magna Adventure Centre! They were able to experience lots of exhibitions linked to Air, fire, water and Earth as well as take part in an exciting and hands on volcano and rocks workshop! The children enjoyed a very interactive experience! 

Reading & Writing

This term we will be looking at Angela McAllister’s book Leon and the Place Between where we will be writing our very own magical portal story! 
As well as this, we will be reading lots of different poems from Matt Good fellow’s book, Carry me away. 


We have been focusing on number so far this term. We have been solving lots of place value problems and working well in teams! 


In science we have been looking at shadows and how translucent, transparent and opaque effect how a shadow is formed. We also have carried out an experiment what happens when an object gets further away from the light source.



In Science we have been learning all about the life cycle if a flowering plant! Throughout the year we have focused on each area of the flowering plant's life cycle and now we are learning about the last part; seed dispersal! We have now learnt that seeds can be dispersed in many ways. We learnt these using lots of actions!



We have been learning about how to keep safe online! We have discussed the types of information that should not be shared online and how privacy online is important. 


So far this term, we have been learning all about European countries and their characteristics! We went on a journey to two European countries such as Italy and France and learnt all about their population, landmarks, rivers and mountains! We compared them both and discussed it as a class! 

In Geography we have been looking at erosion and how it impacts on the coast. We modelled this by having soil and water in a bowl then by using the bottle to make waves and hydraulic action it demonstrated how it erodes away. 


We have been researching out local area and we have been historians by researching how Cleethorpes has changed over the years, by comparing pictures and placing them on a timeline.


In art this term our artist is Rosa Bonheur who was a French

artist who was know for her love of painting domestic and livestock. She also made sculptures of animals. 

We have learnt about Rosa Bonheur and her style of art and how people represented animals through different times on a timeline.

Design and Technology

This term we are learning about pneumatics and for it to work it needs pressure to move the compressed air through a tube to move or pump up an object. We also compared the difference between pneumatics and hydraulics.

Personal Development


We are doing a great deal of work on how to resolve conflicts within relationships.  How to handle falling out with friends - who to go to for help.  We are also discussing what to do in an emergency - who to call, what to say and how we can help in the first instance - first aid. 



This term we are working on our techniques for running, jumping and throwing in our module on athletics.  We are also learning how to play tennis - again learning the techniques for holding the racket, hitting/directing the ball. 
