is a great day to learn something
Year 2 Summer Newsletter:
Daily routines
Please ensure that your child brings the following to school daily:
Yellow home (school) contact book
Reading book
Reading record
Library book
Waterproof coat/jacket
Water bottle
The yellow book is used to communicate messages between school and home. Please also use this to communicate any changes in your child's home time arrangements. In addition, test scores will bed added within this book.
P.E Day
Year Two P.E day will be every Tuesday unless otherwise stated. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their P.E kit, which is inline with our school policy. Please remember to remove any jewellery.
Each Friday the children will be given their homework which will be assessed the following Friday. Year Two homework will focus on reading, spellings/phonics and maths. The homework is as follows...
Spelling/handwriting practice
Look, cover, write and check spelling sheet
Learn and practise your fortnightly maths KIRFS (key instant recall)
Practise your timetables on TTRockstars at least once per week
Read your reading book as frequently as possible.
Reading Challenge
We have introduced new reading records to children in years 1-6. The children have been set a challenge to read a hundred books before the end of the school year. These books will be books provided by school and read at school or at home.
Please watch the following links for a full explanation of how our reading records work.
The aim
What to record
Important information
Summer term
Summer term spellings and KIRFs
Weelsby Woods
Sports Day 2023
Spring term
Spring term spellings and KIRFs
Here you will find an overview of our spellings and maths key instant recall facts, for the spring term. These are to be accessed and practised each week, as part of the year 2 homework expectations.
Our Learning This Term...
Please take a look at what we have been learning about this term...
We are very proud of our Year Two pupils who have demonstrated SUPERB learning behaviours. These children have been chosen for their SUPERB learning behaviours multiple times and as a result, have saved up enough gold stars to chose a reward... Faaaaaaantastic!
This week, we have been retelling the disgusting sandwich. We used a story map and Chatta boards to help us. This is some of our work.
This week, inspired by the arrival of our chickens, we learnt all about different lifecycles. We have written about the lifecycle of a frog and a butterfly. Now, not only are we wonderful writers, but also super scientists!
Science investigation write up.
In science we have completed an investigation about the best conditions for growing a plant. As scientists, it is very important to write about what you have done and what you have found out. Our predictions were mostly correct so we were really pleased.
In writing we have been learning and re-telling the brilliant story, The Dragon Machine! We have really enjoyed working in teams to sequence the story and create action to help us learn the story. We have also worked extremely hard to retell the story in our own words, describing what our naughty dragons would look like!
This week in maths we have been learning about the properties of 3D shapes. Then we have been sorting and sequencing.
Year 2 Number Day. We’ve been investigating odds and evens. Finding different representations and solving problems.
In maths we have been learning different methods to add numbers to 100! We then began to use this knowledge and apply it solve problems and reason.
Reading and phonics
Reading Puzzle...
Well done to these children for earning their next piece of the puzzle! Some children have made it to 30 books!
In history we have been learning about early historical and significant figures in flight. We have been applying this knowledge when looking at chronology and ordering events from the past.
We have also been learning about how long it takes to fly across the Atlantic Ocean (in the past and present), how many people fly each day around the world and the benefits of flying.
The children used this knowledge to answer the following questions...
How has travelling by aeroplane brought people closer together?
How has travelling by aeroplane made the world a smaller place?
Our RE Visit
In our learning this week we found out all about the Hindu Mandir. We even created our own shrine using Hindu religious artefacts.
As part of our learning about Islam, we invited our local Mosque to visit so that we could deepen our understanding. We saw a real Qu’ran and found out lots of details about prayer mats. We asked lots of questions. Thank you so much Mrs Alanka.
In D.T we have been learning about different foods and where they come from. During the spring term we will be designing and making our own cous cous. Today we got to taste test different flavours of cous cous and different ingredients which we think might taste nice in our own cous cous.
Personal Development
This week, as responsible citizens, we discussed the British value, individual liberty in the context of us having the right to earn money in a job that we choose. We then talked about where money came from and what jobs we would find in the community. We also talked about what we would like to do when we leave school.
This week in art we have practised creating a black wash. We the added depth using dark blue paint to create the effect of the night sky. We then splattered yellow paint to create the effect of light in the sky. It was great fun!
We would like to wish all of the children and parents a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We look forward to seeing you again in 2023.
Well done to the Year 2 children who have earned 2 stars from being on the SUPERB face! They thoroughly enjoyed getting to choose their items from the SUPERB vending machine!
Odd Socks for Anti-Bullying Week:
This week we have been celebrating anti-bullying week by noticing all of the kind things that we have been doing.
We started the week by coming to school with odd socks on!
Fire safety
Today we had a fire safety assembly. This taught us about the rules regarding fire safety. We really enjoyed this interactive assembly with members from Humberside Fire Department.
Learning in Year 2...
Being a mathematician...
In maths we have been using concrete apparatus to recognise and count numbers to 100. This has helped us understand place value. We have used tens frames, dienes, cubes and counters. We then begun to used dienes to help us add two digit numbers together. We have used this knowledge and applied to adding and subtracting two-digit numbers.
Being a SUPERB citizen...
In personal development we have been learning about different feelings and how to recognise these feelings. We have thought about the actions, language and body language people display. We have also discussed how to be responsible and look after our environment.
Being a theologian...
In R.E we have been recalling our knowledge about Christianity and the key facts which we learnt about Christanity, last year, in Year 1. We are now learning about Islam and some of the key beliefs.
Being a scientist...
In science we have been categorising. We have been learning about how to classify and what makes different things dead, living or never alive. We really enjoyed this lesson and worked well as problem-solvers to ask questions and debate our ideas.
Being a historian...
In History we have been learning about the first ever powered flight. We investigated photographs and sources to find out about the Wright brothers and answer questions such as Who? What? Where? and When? We learnt that the first ever powered flight took place in the United States of America and lasted twelve seconds!
Being a geographer...
In geography we used maps, photographs, satellite images and written clues to answer the following questions...
Where is the first place in the world to see the sun each day?
Which is the largest island in the Atlantic Ocean?
Which continent is uninhabited and why?
This week, we in our personal development lesson, we are learning how to be a problem solver. We are looking at how to stay safe online. Have a look at this video. Your children should be experts at telling you the answers!
Personal Development.
This week we have been discussing our feelings and how this makes us Unique. We named as many different feelings as we could and then talked about how children might feel in different scenarios.
Reading Puzzle...
Well done to the children who have received their second puzzle piece for reading 20 books!
Reading puzzle...
We were so excited to receive our first puzzle piece for reaching 10 reads!
We would like to say a huge congratulations to our new Year 2 School Council representatives. Well done to all of our Year 2 children who took part.
Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf
Please see the Old Clee reading page.
KS1 Internet Safety Day
This week (26.9.22) we had a visitor called Mr Tim Pinto, who taught us all about internet safety and advised us on sites that we should and shouldn't be accessing.
Harvest Assembly
We really enjoyed our Harvest assembly and showing off our beautiful singing.
Reciting Poetry
Tell Me a Dragon...
This week on the 6th October, it was National Poetry Day. Year two have created their own poems about imaginary dragons...