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Year 6


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Welcome to Year 6!

We are looking forward to another busy year in Year 6. We enjoyed meeting parents, guardians and carers at our recent consultation meetings and we were really in appreciation of the positive feedback that the school and staff received. 

We hope this is going to be a great year and look forward to working in close partnership with you. 


Any questions during the year, please contact your child's class teacher via the class office. 


Thanks smiley


As a means of better informing you, we will be updating our spellings and Rockstar focuses every half term. 


The Teaching Team


The Year 6 teaching team consists of: 

Mr Dean (6JD)

Mr Cole (6PC)

Miss McLernon (6EM)

Mrs Formby (6TF)


Homework will be given out every Friday and will need to be handed back in every Thursday. 


P.E Kit 

P.E kit will be expected to be in every Monday morning and taken home Friday.


Spring Term 2 Spellings

Weekly Spellings- Spring Term 1

Weekly Spellings- Week 1 - Week 6


Rockstars Spring Term 2

Rockstars- Spring Term 1

Rock Stars Schedule- Autumn Term 2

Key Instant Recall Facts


Maths - Key Instant Recall Facts

Year 5 / 6 Spelling Words

High Frequency Words

Sports Relief


British Science Week 2020


World Book Day 

Thursday 5th March 2020


The children within Year Six have thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day, and enjoyed the activities involved. The children were involved in a variety of different activities including: a book review, on the book they are currently reading; a World Book Day book mark which they were able to colour and design and completing an interactive virtual quiz. 


Scroll down to see the fun that has taken place today!

World Book Day Book Reviews...


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Year 6 reading with Year 1

World Book Day Fun

Being a Geographer and learning all about different Biomes...

As part of our Year 6 Geography work, we’ve been studying Biomes. These are specific environmental regions around our planet, but they have very different conditions. This work shows how we created information posters to compare and contrast the geographical locations and features of these differing Biomes.

The children have learned a lot this year about the world and they can’t wait to learn all about Temperate Deserts!

laughlaughWear Red Day laughlaugh


6PC, 6TF, 6EM and 6JD all showed their support for charity by wearing red!

Fun was had all round!

Being an Artist and learning about Gerhard Richter...

This week, 6PC, 6EM , 6JD and 6TF have ALL been learning about the famous and highly well-known artist 'Gerhard Richter'. 


Year 6 have been looking at his painting techniques and how he uses 'layering'to create some amazing artwork. 


We have all been inspired by the high standard of work, and have decided to give it a go!

Below is the work in progress! We can't wait to see the final masterpieces!

Maths- Number Day 


Today for Maths Day, Year 6 have taken part in a fun Maths activity (which you may already know!) called Battleships.

This, however, is a slight twist compared to the board game! This task, saw Year 6 destroying each others 'battleships' and using an 'X' axis and a 'Y axis' with both positive and negative numbers. 

The children loved this activity!

Being a Geographer...


This week, 6PC have been investigating, comparing and contrasting the Rainforest biome with other biomes across the world (Tundra, Grassland, Aquatic etc). 


They were placed in groups and worked in teams to produces a variety of mindmaps!



BUG CLUB- The Red Lady 

Year 6 having been reading and answering questions on the their latest BUG Club book 'Risks and Thrills'. Within this book, there is a variety of mini stories, poems and information documents. This week, we have been looking at the spooky short story of The Red Lady which sees a mysterious lady whom is wearing red garments, saves a sailor from his doom of a sinking ship. Afterwards, she weirdly disappears!


The children were asked to draw the beach where the events happened by only using the description from the text!

Year 6 are being artists...


This half term, Year 6 are looking at the famous artist of Alberto Giacometti who is famous for his sculptures. The children have learned that Giacometti used to create his designs in an unique way- the limbs, arms and legs are longer than usual!

Scroll down to see some of the children's work!